Recent content by Demon_skeith

  1. Demon_skeith

    [cv6] Node Icons & Tools

    Do you know if this addon works fine with php 8.2?
  2. Demon_skeith

    [AP] Style Suite [Paid]

    Hi Apathy, can you confirm if this addon works fine with php 8.2?
  3. Demon_skeith

    [OzzModz] Gamer Profiles

    So I have this installed, I've made sure to set the permissions in both user groups and in style properties, but I'm not seeing anything pop up to enter IDs so the icons appear?
  4. Demon_skeith

    Add-on HTML5 based Arcade

    I don't think multiplayer would be possible?
  5. Demon_skeith

    Add-on HTML5 based Arcade

    Which if anyone thinks they can code something simple like a one-person scoring game for xenforo, feel free to PM me.
  6. Demon_skeith

    Add-on HTML5 based Arcade

    Indeed. I might see if someone can code like a simple Hangman or Asteroids game for a xenforo, just something to kind of score base engage.
  7. Demon_skeith

    Add-on HTML5 based Arcade

    I had someone reach out, but wanted like 300 dollars per game to add to an arcade they would code, too rich for my blood.
  8. Demon_skeith

    Add-on HTML5 based Arcade

    I know Mybb has single games you can load up, at least hangman. If something like that could be coded in, that be great.
  9. Demon_skeith

    Add-on HTML5 based Arcade

    Afraid not, cost too much or people don't want to bother with it :(
  10. Demon_skeith

    [AddonFlare] XF2 Awards System [Deleted]

    I also second this.
  11. Demon_skeith

    New Widget: Random Threads

    My forum has roughly 60k threads ranging back to 2007, would love to look over to see an old time topic get a bit of new life :)
  12. Demon_skeith

    [OzzModz] Email Staff When New Post/Thread In Mod Queue [Paid]

    so I installed this on the latest xenforo software, and my staff isn't getting any emails going out. Nothing in spam folder and nothing I see bouncing back on the forum default email.
  13. Demon_skeith

    Arcade Add-on?

    Doubt anyone is working on anything. Best I've found is this: Just need like a bridge to connect a xenforo database to it for easier management.
  14. Demon_skeith

    [AP] Pokedex [Paid]

    I would think Pokemon Go would have something a person could pull data from.
  15. Demon_skeith

    [AP] Pokedex [Paid]

    This looks really awesome! Just curious though, is this just a database of Pokémon info or are people able to link their game accounts to show what they have caught or manually set what Pokémon they have currently or show their favorites?
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