Recent content by DarkUnderlord

  1. DarkUnderlord

    XF 2.2 Accessing custom user table fields in the XF2 template

    @thanks Hoffi, figured I was missing something. I'll look into that.
  2. DarkUnderlord

    XF 2.2 Accessing custom user table fields in the XF2 template

    We have a few custom fields added to our xf_user table. They contain information that's updated in the database via systems outside of XF2. However, I want to be able to display them in the XF2 template. EG: We have a field called "user_roll" added to the xf_user table. I'd assume we could...
  3. DarkUnderlord

    New Node / Forum Type, which pulls posts from all sub-forums under it (willing to pay)

    I posted this here, but would now actually like it and am willing to pay (PayPal). If someone is interested in developing this as an add-on, PM me with an offer or reply to this thread. Here's my problem, I run a gaming forum which over the years has gotten busier. As forums get busier, posts...
  4. DarkUnderlord

    Lack of interest New Node / Forum Type, which pulls posts from all sub-forums under it

    Here's my problem, I run a gaming forum which over the years has gotten busier. As forums get busier, posts get buried quickly - so we create sub-forums (we also wanted to avoid "mega-threads" where one single thread collects all discussion about a particular game and just becomes too unwieldy...
  5. DarkUnderlord

    Minorin - Standard (non-WYSIWYG) editor toolbar

    For some reason, this mod has now stopped working at all. Even if I disable all other mods and just leave this as the only one enabled, it doesn't show. Any ideas? I assume it's a conflict with another mod. Affiliate Parser Avatar Gallery Bb Codes & Buttons Manager Find users sharing the...
  6. DarkUnderlord

    XF 1.3 Adding Custom BBCode for WebM Support?

    Oh, that simply huh? Nice! Knew I missed something.
  7. DarkUnderlord

    XF 1.3 Adding Custom BBCode for WebM Support?

    I'm trying to add a custom bbcode that allows users to embed webm videos. Ideally users can type something like this: http://www.linkto.webm And it'll embed the webm. However if I set that up using custom BBCode, XenForo insists on adding "url" tags around the link, resulting in...
  8. DarkUnderlord

    Tapatalk Forum App for xenForo - iOS / Android / Windows Phone Mobile App [Deleted]

    Tapatalk used to be ok, until it started filling the server log up with errors. Banned users could still browse (and generate an error while they were at it), replying to conversations generated errors and now with the all new update, it seems looking at profiles is too much for it.
  9. DarkUnderlord

    [MODM] AjaxChat integration for XenForo

    Ahh... I had wondered that. It does. We might give it another try on our forums later - especially if the message limit history is working now (it wasn't last version) and the sidebar works. We have TaigaChat Pro at the moment which is used constantly just because it's easily accessible...
  10. DarkUnderlord

    Add-on Modifications required to custom Avatar Gallery (willing to pay)

    Just wanted to say this has been done. I ended up using who worked very quickly and delivered an awesome product! I also realise this thread should probably be moved to: Custom Service/Development Requests
  11. DarkUnderlord

    Add-on Modifications required to custom Avatar Gallery (willing to pay)

    Yeah, that doesn't do what we want (mainly that it loads all of the avatars and has no categories). We asked him if he was willing to mod it but he wasn't available.
  12. DarkUnderlord

    Add-on Modifications required to custom Avatar Gallery (willing to pay)

    Because we enjoy torturing our users, we don't like them to have custom avatars. Instead, we have a gallery of relevant avatars which users can choose from. Custom avatars will (eventually) be something we intend to flog off for users who are willing to pay. We currently have an avatar gallery...
  13. DarkUnderlord

    Fixed Imagick avatar error: Please enter a positive whole number

    UPDATE: Fixing or re-doing transparency and upscaling the avatars to at least 96px wide seems to rectify the situation with b0rked avatars.
  14. DarkUnderlord

    Fixed Imagick avatar error: Please enter a positive whole number

    Yeah, seems something to do with particular images. Maybe their dimensions or something - because re-sizing or even re-saving the image in a different format (jpg > png, png > jpg) seems to make it work fine.
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