Recent content by Clarence

  1. Clarence

    XF 1.5 Xenforo Footer Template Customization

    Hello there! I'm trying to change the text and menue in the footer as these are demo at the moment such as about us, contact us, support ETC. Can you please suggest how do I: -Change the text in sections -Add/remove menue items -Change text of the menue pages I.E. Contact us The help shall be...
  2. Clarence

    How to integrate xenforo with my own application using customization

    Hey folks. I'm new to xenforo and there are two questions that have really got me on my nerves. Shall highly appreciate if someone generous can take a few minutes to please help me. So here's the scenareo: I'm integrating the forum with one of my web applications, on which the users are...
  3. Clarence

    XF 1.5 how to making secondary group id in user table

    i want to add new group in and assign group to the user, how to generate secondary group id in user table , i am unable to under stand this help me.
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