Recent content by BoostN

  1. BoostN

    Not a bug Undefined array key "cookieConsent" src/XF/CookieConsent.php:56

    It seems this was related to a style issue, please close.
  2. BoostN

    Not a bug Undefined array key "cookieConsent" src/XF/CookieConsent.php:56

    ErrorException: [E_WARNING] Undefined array key "cookieConsent" src/XF/CookieConsent.php:56 Generated by: Unknown account Feb 22, 2024 at 4:33 PM Stack trace #0 src/XF/CookieConsent.php(56): XF::handlePhpError(2, '[E_WARNING] Und...', '/home/nginx/dom...', 56) #1 src/XF/CookieConsent.php(269)...
  3. BoostN

    Note-taking software other than OneNote and EverNote?

    Notion user. Like it, not a huge power user like some are though. I use it for just notes.. no db's or anything.
  4. BoostN

    Upgrading Centos 7? or waiting?

    I'm running the CMM beta on all my production forums now.. no issues so far. Thanks for all the hard work @eva2000 !
  5. BoostN

    Add-on Bridge XF <-> phplist to synchronize users and send newsletters out

    1) Yes, that one domain can hold multiple "clients". I have 3 different forums running through my sendy installation. 2) ^ 3) Setup an Account via AWS. Not to hard. 4) No needed in my opinion. 5) I use my own add on, but you can build the newsletter in Sendy, and the "list" in Sendy is sync'd...
  6. BoostN

    Slack Notify

    I'm maintaining this to work with each XF version in that regard. As far as features, I know of the one you've requested I've just not got to it yet. Happy to listen to more if/when I get time.
  7. BoostN

    Add-on XF2 Zoom Integration

    Can you include with what you're trying to do with the integration? Create meetings from XenForo?
  8. BoostN

    Slack Notify

    Look at "Phrases" and filter on the add-on, you'll see I'm using those for most of the verbiage.
  9. BoostN

    Slack Notify

    If I remember, that one was a lot more feature rich, but use to cost money. Mine was a "lite" version but free. If that is open source now, it's probably a good option and this add-on is not needed.
  10. BoostN

    Slack Notify

    Sorry, I've been super busy with my day job. I might try to take a stab soon and see how far I can get. Sorry for the delay!
  11. BoostN

    XF 2.2 Xenforo CLI update throws error, web browser update hangs

    Try to reupload the latest files, as it seems you might be missing some.
  12. BoostN

    Slack Notify

    Not with this version, but perhaps I could add that when I get some time.
  13. BoostN

    Slack Notify

  14. BoostN

    Debian vs Ubuntu vs CentOS?

    If one is building our a new server, I'm assuming you still recommend CentOS7 for now?
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