Recent content by Aysberg

  1. Aysberg

    [H] Tabbed Threads [Deleted]

    The download domain links to a Chinese advertisement page, so I guess I need an alternative to this add-on. The release 1.0.3, which I have running throws errors in XF 2.1.5 :( This was a really useful function.
  2. Aysberg

    TeamSpeak 3 Integration [Paid]

    Oh, thanks. Missed that one. So my request two posts above is not so important I think ;)
  3. Aysberg

    TeamSpeak 3 Integration [Paid]

    Hi, can you just release the widget for server viewing in an "light version" or give a hint where to start, I would really love to get your add on, but currently we are such a small community (10 people) and it would just be great to see our server status in an widget. The funcinality of your...
  4. Aysberg

    XF2 [S70] Steam Authentication and Integration (Connected Accounts) - NEW: ANALYTICS, XF1...

    Just purchased this great add-on, had my eyes on this one since xf1, will see how this works out in our little gaming community :) I have just one suggestion or wish, currently in the "Most owned games" list the title and the number of users link to the game page on steam. Can you change the...
  5. Aysberg

    [KL] Telegram Bot (for NSF) [Deleted]

    Reinstalled everything, still get the same error. After the installation, the error pops up the moment I go in the account -> notification settings and select Telegram.
  6. Aysberg

    [KL] Telegram Bot (for NSF) [Deleted]

    Yes I did. I will uninstall and reinstall the add-ons, start a new bot and see if this changes anything :) BTW Is there a way to send test messages?
  7. Aysberg

    [KL] Telegram Bot (for NSF) [Deleted]

    In my case, the error is popping up and it's not working. Maybe this helps a bit more... If I go to my Your Account - Notification Service settings and enter the Telegram User ID, I get the mentioned error in the admin panel. Further I get no messages via Telegram. If visiting, my Notification...
  8. Aysberg

    XF 2.0 Test Permission

    Thanks, for the quick reply. Will do it with your test account approach.
  9. Aysberg

    XF 2.0 Test Permission

    In XF 1.x I was able to visit the forum with the permission of a specific user via the admin panel. I am not able to find this feature in 2.0. I can analyze permission and get it as a list, but doing this test drive was really helpful. Am I blind or is it not implemented? Thanks for your help.
  10. Aysberg

    [KL] Telegram Bot (for NSF) [Deleted]

    I have the same error logged... ErrorException: [E_NOTICE] Undefined index: telegram_user_id src/addons/KL/TelegramBot/Service/Telegram.php:125 And thanks for your add on and the work you put in it.
  11. Aysberg


    Using now Quark and Antiquark on my forums, my users and me are really happy with the look and feel. One minor complain. When getting new alerts, the background of the alerts "balloon" (top left - dropdown or whatever) is transparent, which looks kind of strange. This changes to nontransparent...
  12. Aysberg

    XF 1.5 xf 1.4.5 import - Own messages in New Posts

    Thanks, I changed my strategy. Cleaned up the old forum of unused add-ons and upgraded to the current version. Compared my acp settings with a demo acp to see what we changed over the years.
  13. Aysberg

    XF 1.5 xf 1.4.5 import - Own messages in New Posts

    Hi, I imported our old forum via Import External Data into a fresh install of 1.5.12. Everything seems to be fine, had to fix permissions and set up the options. But when logging into the forum under New Posts everything is bold. Seems all old messages are new, that would be kind of OK. But it...
  14. Aysberg

    XF 1.5 New Posts show parent node/forum

    Thanks, had the hope it's just some small changes in a template. Than we have to live with the workaround.
  15. Aysberg

    XF 1.5 New Posts show parent node/forum

    Hi, our forum has several forum nodes called Game1, Game2 and so on, each has a sub forum for media library, mods, patches. When using the "New Posts" link, you just see the thread and as forum name for example "media library". So you don't know to which "media library" the post belongs. That's...
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