Recent content by audiokid

  1. audiokid

    XF 1.5 can i change a forum id

    @Brogan Could you please tell me what rewrite I would use for this? My forum is a sub directory /community Thanks!
  2. audiokid

    XF 1.5 can i change a forum id

    can I use route filters to redirect deleted merged forums to new ones? example: old forum/preamps-channel-strips.132 new forums/recording-live-or-studio.241
  3. audiokid

    XF 2.0 Moving the forum to a subdirectory

    two days going bonkers and this one redirect solved my problem lol . Redirect permanent /threads http://mydomain/community/threads
  4. audiokid

    XF 2.0 Moving the forum to a subdirectory

    @Mr Lucky the only way I can get the rewrites to work is if I #RewriteRule ^ index.php [L] Will this create problems or do you know why this needs to be removed? Thank you for your help.
  5. audiokid

    XF 2.0 Moving the forum to a subdirectory

    I had your rewrite working perfectly! (up until I mistakenly included (the recommended code xenforo has in their support page) erk RewriteRule (.*) /community/ [R=301]. That rewrite killed my drupal install . Hope this all makes sense. Now.. After I removed the xenforo rewrite and reinstalled...
  6. audiokid

    XF 2.0 Moving the forum to a subdirectory

    @Mr Lucky will indexed urls' tell bots to permanently rewrite the old links now?
  7. audiokid

    XF 2.0 Moving the forum to a subdirectory

    Sorry, my words may have been confusing. I don't want to rewrite the root index.php which seems to be happening. I will simplify my rules and use yours. Thanks for helping me.
  8. audiokid

    XF 2.0 Moving the forum to a subdirectory

    Thank you @Mr Lucky I wonder if you can help me further. I am having difficulty with the proper rules. I want to install a CMS (Drupal) in the root and move xenForo to its new subdirectory /community. It seems the rules I am using keep redirecting to /community How can I...
  9. audiokid

    XF 2.1 Moving XenForo from root to subfolder

    @Saido I am wanting to do the same as you. I want to put wordpress in root and xenforo in a community sub directory. Do I use your rewrite rules?
  10. audiokid

    How to move Xenforo from root to folder?

    I unfortunately trusted these rewrite rules moving a forum from root to a community sub folder and ended up with errors and members lost. It would be helpful if there was a current rewrite section with all the rules needed.
  11. audiokid

    XF 1.5 Move & redirect XF to directory "community", after that Wordpress in the root?

    @snoopy5 Have you been successful with a SSO or WP bridge ?
  12. audiokid

    XF 2.2 similar threads

    How are similar threads ranked to display. What is similar? Other than the date... The first word in a title?
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