Recent content by Aivaras

  1. A

    XF 2.3 Set light variation as default for guests

    Only to some degree. For instance, you do not get to choose whether your users interact with your site during the day or at night, alone or in company (which they may disturb under certain lighting conditions). Furthermore, you do not get to choose how good or bad your users’ sight is; nor the...
  2. A

    XF 2.3 Trending content

    Can view stats be correlated with dates? Say, I want to know how many views a thread has attracted over a specific time/calendar interval. Can I do this?
  3. A

    Will you be optimizing images to webp when 2.3 is released?

    I’ll wait for AVIF support and decide between AVIF and WebP then.
  4. A

    XF 2.3 / 3.0 release date

    @Chris D, is chunked file uploads making it to XenForo 2.3? (I remember you somewhere saying, it eventually will.)
  5. A

    XF 2.2 Security error occurred. Please press back, refresh the page, and try again.

    The likely cause for this is xf_csrf (see Cookie usage > Standard cookies we set > Essential cookies). And the likely cure for this is inserting |xf_csrf in “.haccess” as follows: # LiteSpeed XenForo cache <IfModule litespeed> CacheLookup public on RewriteEngine On # cache...
  6. A

    XF 2.3 Miscellaneous changes for XenForo 2.3

    Do you create the slugs for all six HTML headings, or just the three headings XenForo uses in the text editor by default?
  7. A

    XF 2.3 A first look at XenForo 2.3

    I would assume that selecting Light or Dark in XenForo’s style chooser overrides the OS preference altogether. Basically, what is needed is a way to specify in the LESS templates that certain CSS properties and their values target only the light or only the dark style variant, regardless of how...
  8. A

    XF 2.3 A first look at XenForo 2.3

    Thank you for the detailed reply, which I have bracketed out for terseness! Your explanation is clear to me, and I agree with your argument as far as the orthodox approach to prefers-color-scheme. My thinking belongs more to what you’re entertaining in the parentheses here: because some things...
  9. A

    XF 2.3 A first look at XenForo 2.3

    Whichever switch one pulls (system or Xenforo), the action’s motive is still the same: control of the color scheme. So if XenForo knows that the user’s manual choice of style variant is based on color scheme preference, why ignore prefers-color-scheme? It’s a piece of meaningful code, why not...
  10. A

    XF 2.3 A first look at XenForo 2.3

    Regardless of whether the style variant is selected automatically or manually, from a logical point of view, it is still a case of preferring a color scheme. Hence, it would be logical to expect the manual choice of style variants to respect prefers-color-scheme.
  11. A

    XF 2.3 A first look at XenForo 2.3

    I’m still trying to wrap my mind around this one. Perhaps all that’s needed is stipulating the non-color CSS property, which is background-image in the example, with prefers-color-scheme so that it is active only in light mode? Another potential issue may be the logo, which may need color...
  12. A

    XF 2.3 A first look at XenForo 2.3

    Some colors are the result of an interaction between two or more CSS properties. Say, to define the background color of .p-pageWrapper in the light theme, one combines background-color with background-image; however, the background-image does not work for the dark variant and therefore has to be...
  13. A

    XF 2.3 A first look at XenForo 2.3

    Really? I thought almost everyone uses the default theme. Remember, even in the case of a custom theme, a usual practice is to install it as a child of the default theme to make it inherit the upcoming updates to the default theme. We happen to develop our custom styles in-house. Because it...
  14. A

    [DigitalPoint] App for Cloudflare®

    Unfortunately, not anymore. After a day of unsuccessful testing, I concluded we’re not yet ready for a move to R2, but will be revisiting this feature sometime in the future. Be that as it may, many thanks for your attention to the issue and overall presence!
  15. A

    [DigitalPoint] App for Cloudflare®

    Regardless of the mime-type being set or not being set in Cloudflare, I did not manage to get Cloudflare to serve SVGs; the browser would still show broken image placeholders instead of the actual images.
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