Recent content by AbuGhaith

  1. AbuGhaith

    [OzzModz] Scheduled Content

    Thank You but is not compatible with XFRM 2.3
  2. AbuGhaith

    Not a bug watermaker not added automatically

    The watermark is not automatically added when uploading images Rather, they must be added manually
  3. AbuGhaith

    watermark resolution

  4. pexels-cartier-1198802.webp


  5. pexels-eberhardgross-443446.webp


  6. pexels-eberhardgross-1612351.webp


  7. AbuGhaith

    watermark resolution

    Sorry I add the post on wrong category :X3:
  8. AbuGhaith

    watermark resolution

    May I know the template responsible for adjusting the watermark sizes, because they appear small on the images? Thank You in advance.
  9. AbuGhaith

    [XTR] Account Upgrades Page [Paid]

    Web Site not working!
  10. AbuGhaith

    [XTR] Unlimited User Group Banners

    old fontawsome icons not working with XF2.3 hope updating addon 🙏
  11. AbuGhaith

    [XenCustomize] Limit Resource Downloads [Paid]

    when update for XF 2.3?
  12. AbuGhaith | Sales | Special offers | Build a forum with us!

    it applicable also for renew or just for first sale?
  13. AbuGhaith

    XF 2.2 URL is not available to Google

    it happening with banned member or deleted member
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