XF 2.2 ZipArchive class does not exist


Attempting to auto-upgrade and I get the error "ZipArchive class does not exist".

I've looked over a couple other threads that mention the issue, but I can't understand what they did to solve it. One mentioned "Found the issue. The zip.ini file in php.d had a typo, extensions versus extension. It shouldn't be plural," but I don't know where that file is to check it.

Another mentioned the "server environment report," but I can't find that, either, even when I search for it.

Can someone give me a step-by-step to fix this?
Good morning,

I got the same error today, as I tried to install the latest update via the admin panel:

Das folgende Problem trat auf, als untersucht wurde, ob ein One-Click Upgrade möglich ist: ZipArchive class does not exist.

So I tried "apt-get install php-zip", and my Linux box replied:

php-zip is already the newest version (2:8.3+94+0~20240205.51+debian11~1.gbp6faa2e).

What can I do now?

The previous updates went without any problem, so I'm a bit astonished, why this happened not before (as the error came up even years ago according to some threads here).
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