XF 2.1 XFMG How to restrict page height so it scrolls nicely


Active member
We have many categories and sub categories in our Media Gallery. When users scroll down to see the sub categories in the middle of the screen, the main categories shown in the left column scrolls off the top of the screen.
When they exit a sub category, the entire screen re-draws from the top, so they have to scroll all the way down again to get to where they were. Very irritating:)

How can we force the XFMG Media Categories screen (media/categories/) to work as nicely as the Media Categories screen in the Admin section (/admin.php?media-gallery/categories/) which remembers where one is working, and returns to that position when one exits editing a category.

Can this be done by restricting the page height in the normal Media Category screen in the same way as is done in the Admin section? Where are the controls for this?
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