XF1 Cleanup Command

XF1 Cleanup Command 1.0.0

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You're executing the command using PHP version 4.4.9. That's a little out of date.

Sometimes the php command is not going to call the correct version. You will need to ascertain what the correct path is to the desired version (will need to be PHP 5.6 if you're running XF 2.1 or PHP 7.0 if you're running XF 2.2) and run the command again.
php cmd.php xf:legacy-cleanup

That command only clean the directory i executed right?

Dont clean other folders outside right?
Asking this because iam runing the tests in same account domain but in another directory.
Yes it's all run relative to the current directory and on specific files/folders relative to the installation you run the command in. Even if you had another installation inside a directory within this current installation, the command shouldn't touch that.
Without success in 2.2.5

php cmd.php xf:legacy-cleanup
Command "xf:legacy-cleanup" is not defined.

Did you mean one of these?

Any help?
Noticed it removes "library", "js/swfupload" and "js/videojs" directories which still exist in XF 2.2.5 installation archive?
They exist for the sole purpose of overwriting the contents if possible. They don’t contain any used files in XF 2.2.

Also I don’t think we include js/videojs in XF2. It would be js/vendor/videojs
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