Xenforo User Map [Deleted]


I just installed this on a forum with around 30.000 users. Installation went fine and around 1500 users are now on the usermap.

Just to be sure, that noone is missing, I tried to execute the php file via ssh with putty. But I get an error:

php Geocli.php
X-Powered-By: PHP/4.4.9
Content-type: text/html

<br />
<b>Parse error</b>: syntax error, unexpected T_OBJECT_OPERATOR in <b>/mypathto/library/MopedMap/Geocli.php</b> on line <b>4</b><br />

What could be the reason for this?

And where can I get different icons for the map?

what is your line 4?

CONFIGURATION.txt, line 19:

Thanks for the link with the icons. I have found some nice ones :)

It seems that line 4 is the one I mared in bold

XenForo_Autoloader::getInstance()->setupAutoloader($fileDir . '/library');

$fileDir = dirname(dirname(dirname(__FILE__)));
require($fileDir . '/library/XenForo/Autoloader.php');
XenForo_Autoloader::getInstance()->setupAutoloader($fileDir . '/library');
XenForo_Application::initialize($fileDir . '/library', $fileDir);
$db = XenForo_Application::getDb();
$geolimit = 2300;

$query = "
SELECT xfuser.user_id, xfuser.username, upper(xfprofile.location) as location
FROM xf_user AS xfuser
INNER JOIN xf_user_profile AS xfprofile
ON (xfuser.user_id = xfprofile.user_id)
left join xf_user_mopedmap on xfuser.user_id = xf_user_mopedmap.user_id
WHERE xf_user_mopedmap.user_id is null and xfprofile.location != '' group by upper(xfprofile.location)

$locations = $db->fetchAll($query);
$total_locations = sizeof($locations);


Could it be that my command for executing the php file is wrong? Which command do you recommend?
@localhost8080 Thank you for this usefull plugin.
I tried to today to take advantage of the new -child feature. Unfortunately, whatever I tried it never appeared under Members. I also tried to uninstall-reinstall it without any chance. Any idea?
No stress buddy I am not in the hurry.
Beside this, will it be possible to implement in any future version an "Auto-complete" feature of the location field in the profile page of the users?
Would be really helpful. Thanks.
In between, I was able to fix by myself the menu problem.
In facts, in the Template modification, the default replacement value is:
<xen:if is="{$xenOptions.enableNewsFeed}"><li><a href="{xen:link recent-activity}">{xen:phrase recent_activity}</a></li></xen:if><li><a href="{xen:link usermap}">{xen:phrase MopedMap}</a></li>

I replaced it with:
<li><a href="{xen:link usermap}">{xen:phrase MopedMap}</a></li>

And now it works.

Note: for those encountering the same problem, it is impossible to edit the replacement value in the ACP. It has to be done directly in the MySQL database in the table xf_template_modification.
Update to my own post. It seems the problem is also related to the execution order priority. I had to manually change the priority from 10 to 1 to get it worked.

Now, there is another obvious bug.
When viewing the user map, there is no information anymore in the breadcrumb as well as in the Who's Online (showing an "Unknown page" location). Beside this it also break the Facebook Facepile widget.
Note: for those encountering the same problem, it is impossible to edit the replacement value in the ACP. It has to be done directly in the MySQL database in the table xf_template_modification.
Uhhh... you did enable debug mode to edit it, correct? I was able to get all the edit (save, etc) features when I do that (which is expected behavior for XenForo and has been well documented elsewhere). I didn't need to edit mine as it is working just fine using the feature you outline. If you had to change the execute priority it indicates you have other template modifications that are conflicting with it - so it may be worthwhile to mention any add-ons/edits you may have that effect the navigation bar.
Just as a feature suggestion... any possibility of allowing multiple item types of showing up in map with checkbox that users can hide/unhide each item type? I only bring this up because it would be pretty awesome to also have trails on the map. Unfortunately I don't see an automated way for it to pick up the data unless there is a custom field on user account where it can pull that address from.
Just an idea... I wouldn't mind having a search bar above the map to search for town or zipcode etc. Just for cases where people have that info but arent sure exactly where to look on the map. Besides that, great addon. Love it.
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