Lack of interest Why are there 2 Preview buttons when posting/editing a thread?

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Well-known member
When you post or edit a thread you get 2 [Preview] buttons:

2 preview buttons.webp

Action 1: When you press [Preview] button 1, a preview text is generated below your original content (and button 1 turns lightblue because it gets the focus):

Blue preview button.webp

Action 2: After putting the cursor back in your original content and add text there, we can again press [Preview] button 1, to see the added text inside the Preview area.

Makes sense.

But what then is the purpose of [Preview] button 2? In the above workflow, button 2 does not do anything it seems? When you press it, nothing happens. Which is a bit confusing.

Am I missing a point?

It also works the other way around exactly the same: when you follow the above workflow and use [Preview]-button 2 (instead of 1) in Action 1 and in Action 2, then this button 2 keeps working, but button 1 then does not do anything. When you press it, nothing happens. So the same slight confusion the other way round.

This appears both when you post a new thread or edit a post.
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