website hosting

Gotta admit, something doesn't fully add up in your story. As you just said, we haven't even spoken in months since after I configured your server, yet you only started noticing performance issues within a few weeks, so it seems to sound your server ran fine for months. Maybe your hosting or yourself didn't realize you reverted a config file a few weeks ago which caused this to happen.
It was there for months, but the cache is building up you know, it doesn't happen in one day. I haven't touched my config files, nor my current host. I was first thinking it's an add-on, but then after disabling each for a week or so, it didn't help so I almost gave up. Until I've installed mysql tuner (which you didn't, then how would you expect to check if the whatever you've configured was enough to my server's needs?) and only then I've discovered that my values are at 100%. I'm still playing with it by the way, it's already at 3GB, meaning it was 3 times less than whatever it should be (+10%).

Just take the negative reviews as a man, and stop crying. Just by the fact that you never admit your mistakes, is something to consider on its own when choosing a host (as somebody commented here about a PayPal dispute or something like that). I'm not going further with this, take it or leave it.
Can we please help the potentially new customer looking for some advice before buying XenForo? It looks unprofessional and any new possible customer would be turned off by the route this thread is taking. I'm copy-pasting this response from another customers pre-sale question which I posted this at originally.

I'll list some hosts that generally in majority have good reviews, remember that there is no "one" perfect host, it can suit one and not suit the other, but these are reputed companies.
EuroVPS - Starting at €5/ per month.
StableHost - Starting at $3.95/per month.
NameCheap - Starting at $3.98/per month.
HawkHost - Starting at $3.29/per month. [This host has many positive reviews]
MDDHosting - Starting at $6.38/per month [The host I use & trust]

You can open a sales ticket with all, or a few of the companies you think are right for you and see their response. Good luck finding a reliable host, having a good host = less tension = you can concentrate on improving your forum. None of the above hosts except MDD I can personally vouch for 100% -- but they have majority positive reviews (just repeating myself for sake of clarity).
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