User Upgrade (Subscriptions)


Active member
Is there any logs/logging/stats for User Upgrades?

I know you guys hate to hear stuff like this but VBulletin had a great Transaction Log, Reports, etc built in. I do about 300 paypal transactions a month for digital download media, and I need to be able to track down transaction ID's etc. - and this is the last peice I need before converting.

Is there anything like this at all? Or is there a addon?


Well, I just actually made a little dirty .php file for my private dir that lists them, linking to the accounts, etc.
Just no idea really how to integrate that into admin.php somehow. But for my site this will do.
Yes, but they do nothing but list the name, expiry date and type of update.
They don't list the paypal transaction details, paypal email/realname, etc.
For some reason people can purchase upgrades but they're never listed in the active area. I've had to manually add them to an upgraded group.

Here are some things you can check:

1) Make sure your board URL is correct:

Admin CP -> Home -> Options -> Basic Board Information -> Board URL

2) Note that the paypal callbacks don't work if your forum is behind a htaccess login.

3) Login to your paypal account and make sure the payment in question is listed as completed.
Sorry, I have ask:
Is paypal unusable with the .htaccess for the front- or backend?

Only the frontend. If your forum is behind a htaccess login then the callback for the payment cannot be sent back to the forum. The users can pay but your forum won't be notified so the user upgrades won't be applied.
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