PixVid.org: Upload and Host Images & Videos for Free

PixVid.org: Upload and Host Images & Videos for Free 2.2.2

No permission to download
Thanks a lot . All fixed. One question, is that possible users from my forum when they will upload pictures as I guest, they will upload images to my account on add.pics ? So I can remove pictures on request. Thanks
No, unless you share account login with them.

So I can remove pictures on request. Thanks
You can use the Contact Form if you want to remove some images.
Please try the updated version (1.0.5).
Worked for me just fine, will wait for some more user input in case it doesn't work for them.

On the other hand, previous position in editor toolbar was nicer in my opinion, but if it causes problems, well, it is how it is.
Seems you don't install the version 1.0.5, and also please remove your manual installed code.
Just install the addon.

Profile post isn't supported ATM.

Please Add this CSS code in your EXTRA.less
.template-xfmg_media_view a.chevereto-pup-button--XF2,
.template-conversation_view a.chevereto-pup-button--XF2,
.template-thread_view div.formButtonGroup-primary a.chevereto-pup-button--XF2
{ color: @xf-paletteColor1; background: #4ad824; border-color: @xf-borderColor; }

.template-xfmg_media_view a.chevereto-pup-button--XF2:hover,
.template-conversation_view a.chevereto-pup-button--XF2:hover,
.template-thread_view div.formButtonGroup-primary a.chevereto-pup-button--XF2:hover
{ background: #4ad824 !important; }

This fixed the button on threads, but i need this option on profile posts and profile comments. Adding the icon to the tool bar was a better solution
Screen Shot 2020-06-09 at 12.00.04 AM.webp

Sometimes uploading images result in broken images in posts like this. Any idea on what might be causing this issue? It only happens sporadically.
Can I have the image link?
Do you have image proxy enabled on XF?
I do not have image proxy enabled. Although I do have Cloudflare enabled, if that makes any difference.

I'll try to grab a specific image for you when it happens again, but I have noticed that when this happens, I edit the post to see the code and it's always missing the first half of the tag.

So a normal BBcode would look like:
[ICODE][URL='https://add.pics/image/vSqu1'][IMG alt="IMG_3340.md.jpg"]https://add.pics/images/2020/06/10/IMG_3340.md.jpg[/URL][/ICODE]

But whenever this particular issue occurs and I edit the post to take a look at the code, it'll look like:

Also not sure if this would be breaking the API rules, but would it possible to remove the bbcode entirely?
I'll try to grab a specific image for you when it happens again

Also not sure if this would be breaking the API rules, but would it possible to remove the bbcode entirely?
Yes, more options:

But whenever this particular issue occurs and I edit the post to take a look at the code, it'll look like
You are on XF 2.1.10 right?
I found similar issue when I started using XF 2.1.10 also, some sort of xf editor bug.
Hi there, for some reason I have this issue on my site, Have 2 buttons . What could be the reason ?

Screenshot 2020-09-20 104609.webp
The closing </head> tag is also in the UIX style template PAGE_CONTAINER. Take a look closer.

Bildschirmfoto 2020-09-20 um 18.14.53.webp
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