Add-on Twitch Subscriber Group Automatic System


Well-known member
I am looking to be able to have users be able to register and connect their forum account to their twitch and if they are a subscriber of a specified streamer it will put them into a specific group (ex. Subscriber group).

A few things that if possible would be nice to have with this:
-Cron job or something that will check users subscriber status and if they are no longer subscribed take them out of the specified group for subscribers.
-Display how many days left until users subscription runs out.
-Display how long the users has been subscribed for.
-Display other channels the user is subscribed to.

I would be willing of course to help fund this to be made if need be (I can't contribute a lot but would definitely do what I can to help get this made).

Why I think this would be a highly desired Add-on?
With the growing popularity of Twitch and the involvement a lot of Streamers of with their subscribers I can see this being something many people might want to look into having for their twitch communities.

Some resources that may or may not help:
I don't need access to the Twitch Channel I want to have as the channel to check subscribers against with this correct?
Well technically you dont need DIRECT access... You just need the owner of said channel to link their twitch account on your website.
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