XF 2.2 Trying to upgrade from 2.1.1 to 2.2.13


I am trying to upgrade from 2.1.1 to 2.2.13. I have uploaded the upgrade package. When I try to 'check for upgrades' I get an error message saying the last upgrade check failed. So, I tried to perform the upgrade manually by directing my browser to the 'install' folder. After I log in using a Super Admin account I get the message saying I am already running 2.1.1 and that is the current version. From there I have the options to do a fresh install or rebuild the master data. I didn't want to do either of those and risk losing data.
You said you "uploaded" it... did you extract the upgrade package into your site root directory?
Using the "Check for upgrades" won't detect an uploaded package.
You said you "uploaded" it... did you extract the upgrade package into your site root directory?
Using the "Check for upgrades" won't detect an uploaded package.
Thanks for your reply.

Yes, I downloaded the upgrade package to my computer, unzipped it and uploaded to my site root directory.

Another member has been assisting me. I think we are getting close.
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