MG 2.2 Thumbnails not showing at all or Updating


Well-known member
Two different issues I've notice.

1- On the album preview with 4 thumbnails, one of the thumbnail photos was removed from the gallery, but still shows on the album preview even after deleting browser cache. The photo of the couple below was removed months ago from the album which actually only has 3 photos in it.


2. Intermittently when a user creates a new album the thumbnails are not generated, but when the placeholder is clicked. the full-sized image is shown as expected. But 4 days ago someone else posted photos and the thumbnails are fine.

Added $config['maxImageResizePixelCount'] = 30000000; to my config file and regenerated thumbnails and it worked.

Suggestion- Since cameras are getting higher and higher resolution this might need to have built-in support for higher resolutions in the future or some other want to address the issue.
That is the built in support.

The limit is set to 20M by default due to server limitations on shared hosting, etc.
Yes, which was determined in what year? Times are changing, the new Samsung/Iphones are going to take larger images, which is why this is something we've just started seeing happen this year despite having the same settings for years.
Added $config['maxImageResizePixelCount'] = 30000000; to my config file and regenerated thumbnails and it worked.

Suggestion- Since cameras are getting higher and higher resolution this might need to have built-in support for higher resolutions in the future or some other want to address the issue.

I intervened but when we add this to the config.php file, is the problem solved for now?

$config['maxImageResizePixelCount'] = 30000000;
Yes, which was determined in what year? Times are changing, the new Samsung/Iphones are going to take larger images, which is why this is something we've just started seeing happen this year despite having the same settings for years.

Shared hosting limitations are still the same, regardless of phone capabilities.
Shared hosting limitations are still the same, regardless of phone capabilities.
Well, at least there is a workaround. :-) We've had our own server since 1998, so I don't know anything about shared hosting, but as with everything in technology, it all adapts to accommodate what the users/businesses need. What is happening on occasion, will soon be the "norm".

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