XF 2.2 The directory '/images/avatars/upload' could not be found or is not readable.

Not sure what the problem here is. The PBB3 forum I'm trying to import from is in a subfolder pbb3forum under public_html. I have tried both with and without the pbb3forum on the front of the path, but get the sale error. Both directories and files are set to 777.

Totally at a loss as to what is causing this.
You have SEO friendly URLs turned on, and there's no .htaccess file. Rename htaccess.txt to .htaccess.

Or if the server software is Nginx instead Apache / Litespeed, you'll need to put in the Nginx configuration that's in the documentation (I don't recall offhand which doc page).

I imported a PBB3 forum which can be seen at the URL above. The import reported no errors during the routine and gave a success message at the end. I can access the main forum page and all the forum categories show as expected. However, when I click on pretty much any link on this page I get a 404.

I have SEO-friendly URLs turned on, and htaccess has been renamed correctly.

The old PPB3 forum install can be accessed at https://www.bellanca-championclub.com/pbb3forum/ and it is navigatable as expected. I do see that the generated URLs for the old forum differ significantly with those that Xenforo generates in its attempt to find each forum category. For example, the Citabria / Decathlon / Scout Forum:

PBB3 URL is: https://www.bellanca-championclub.com/pbb3forum/viewforum.php?f=2&sid=1754055b302e68397baf25635dcc9bc9
Xenforo URL is: https://www.bellanca-championclub.com/forum/forums/citabria-decathlon-scout-forum.5

I'm assuming this is just Xenforo's URL format and should have been addressed during the import.

Has anyone had this happen before and how do I fix it? Thanks.
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