[TH] Nodes for grid, custom styling, and custom icons

[TH] Nodes for grid, custom styling, and custom icons 1.1.1 Patch Level 1

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Just had another look, it uses the "Enable header styling on thread view" style property under "[TH] Nodes: Styling"
So it's not really an option added, just additional functionality into an existing option? What happens when a Cover is used on a thread with this option turned on?
So it's not really an option added, just additional functionality into an existing option?

What happens when a Cover is used on a thread with this option turned on?
The cover will overwrite the XPress featured article image, which in turn overwrites the node header image. If you don't got XPress installed, it'll simply overwrite the node header image.
Curious if there is a way to allow user option between traditional forum list and this grid layout?
This isn't a setting that is offered at this time but you could always use the style chooser? Create two different styles, one with the traditional forum list and one with the grid layout.
Is this still the current status of making it user selectable? If we only had one style then it'd be easy enough but I really don't want to go down that path with multiple styles and then having to explain it to the members; it'd be much easier to just tell them "Don't like the grids? Change the option in your UCP.".
Should the FA 'drone' icon be available? 🤔

I may be entirely incorrect in this, and please correct me if I'm wrong, but I had thought XF 2.1.x was using FA Pro 5 so I'm trying to use fas fa-drone but nothing displays. Thoughts?

Should the FA 'drone' icon be available? 🤔

I may be entirely incorrect in this, and please correct me if I'm wrong, but I had thought XF 2.1.x was using FA Pro 5 so I'm trying to use fas fa-drone but nothing displays. Thoughts?

XF would need to update the Font Awesome files for it to work. It's not pulling from a CDN so you won't always have the latest version of FA.

2.1.2 updated to FA version 5.8.1, I believe that's the latest version.
Hi, two questions.

1) For categories that only have one node, how do you retain the default UI.X. styling, i.e. do not move out the latest thread below the node and keep it to the right?

2) How do you retain gutter space between nodes but eliminate the horizontal white space between the category header and the nodes?
Hi, two questions.

1) For categories that only have one node, how do you retain the default UI.X. styling, i.e. do not move out the latest thread below the node and keep it to the right?

2) How do you retain gutter space between nodes but eliminate the horizontal white space between the category header and the nodes?
To achieve both, you would have to use custom CSS.
To achieve both, you would have to use custom CSS.

If someone could share the CSS, I would appreciate it. I am just trying to get the forum to look the same way it did in UI.X 1, i.e. two columns when a category has more than one node and one column with one node. The look is too different after upgrading to 2.x.
Is it possible to use the node grids only with the sub-forum listings?

Based on some early team member feedback at the moment I'm thinking it best if we leave our main forum listing as-is but for forums/nodes with a lot of sub-forums/nodes (eg: https://cameraderie.org/forums/other-gear.16/) having them in a grid might help out with the issue of some members seeing only the list of sub-forums/nodes on their device display and not realizing that there's actual threads below them.
Is it possible to use the node grids only with the sub-forum listings?

Based on some early team member feedback at the moment I'm thinking it best if we leave our main forum listing as-is but for forums/nodes with a lot of sub-forums/nodes (eg: https://cameraderie.org/forums/other-gear.16/) having them in a grid might help out with the issue of some members seeing only the list of sub-forums/nodes on their device display and not realizing that there's actual threads below them.
So you are asking if you are able to only able to enable node grid within sub-forums/nodes instead of enabling it on all forums. Even of they aren't sub-forums?
So you are asking if you are able to only able to enable node grid within sub-forums/nodes instead of enabling it on all forums. Even of they aren't sub-forums?
Yes. If the node is a sub-node (in my case, they might be either a sub-forum or a link) then I'll want to display them as grids, else display them as normal. At the moment it seems that enabling grids does all levels and I'm not seeing if there is a way of specifying which level to enable/disable for grids.

In the case of Cameraderie the most we go is 3 levels deep. So in the example below the goal would be to have only the sub-nodes of Forum B displayed in a grid, everything else would be displayed as normal.
Parent Category 
+- Forum A
+- Forum B
   +- Sub-Forum of B  <-- display in grid
   +- Sub-Link of B <-- display in grid
+- Forum C
I am also waiting for the option to only enable node grid styling on specific nodes/categories rather than a global on/off switch, due to not liking the look of the singular node layout and therefore wanting to retain the default XF styling/layout for these.

Until then we're actually not using this mod, which is a shame.
I'm using Rekt and node grid. When I set for grid a large gap occurs between the forum and the sidebar. I do not know how to correct??
Thank you,
@Dalton Prock can you assist please.?
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