[TH] Nodes for grid, custom styling, and custom icons

[TH] Nodes for grid, custom styling, and custom icons 1.1.1 Patch Level 1

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Try adding this to your EXTRA.less:

.has-flexbox .thNodes__nodeList .block-container .th_node--hasBackgroundImage .node-body:before {
    background: transparent;
Didn't work, unfortunately. Now it looks like this, see attachment.


  • screenshot_1877.webp
    15.8 KB · Views: 37
The problem is fixed, I removed Image Overlay under TH Styling properties.
Anyone know how to change the font color of the forum description text?
We'll resolved...No. It's just not possible what we need. Themehouse support did answer my support tickets yes.
I am fully waste time if using ThemeHouse theme/add-on because each update remain new bug or old one. I have reported that bug but still not fixed then with this update my all customized removed. Now I am re-doing all customize but having issue from adding Forum icon class, I have added Forum icon class for inherit down. When we are not checked the box Forum icon class then why its also worked for inherit up? As well Tactical new update happened old fixed bug. So what you are fix if new update will come again this bug? Please note, I am facing this issue almost now over one month.

Also still are not fixed Forum icon class not working adding in child style.


Also empty description tag for Style: Default styling

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My Background images are disapeared with this last update, also the grid enable checkboxes were unticked.

*Downgrade install done
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Gotcha, problem is that the old icon is always in the bg. How can I remove it?

Where are you putting the mdi icon? Can you show a screenshot of the page please so I can see what you've done.

You need to add it in: Forum icon class: and Forum icon class (unread):
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