[TH] Featured Threads and Content Portal

[TH] Featured Threads and Content Portal 1.0.6

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It's not something we plan to build currently as it would be quite a large feature. You can already set featured items to expire, but having it cycle though each location based on time would be more complex.

Inside the slider, is there a way to indicate to users which post/thread is new? Like a ribbon or something on the image?
Potentially, but it would be custom and not something currently supported. If you used a condition like this inside the loop in the slider macro in thfeature_macros:

<xf:if is="$feature.content_type == 'thread' && $feature.getContent().isUnread()">
// ribbon HTML

You could output some HTML for a ribbon and then add some CSS to thfeature.less to style it.
This is by design, featured content will only show in one location at a time. If it is in the slider it won’t be in the grid and list, and if it’s in the grid it won’t be in the list.

Explained further a few posts up: https://xenforo.com/community/threads/th-featured-threads-and-content-portal.166623/post-1606290
If I change the duration date in options from 1 week to 1 day for example. It is not going from slider to grid or list. I couldn't see any cache rebuild. Is it normal and will be applicable for new featured threads?
What settings are you looking at? If you're editing the auto-feature rules, this has no effect on existing featured items. You would need to set an expiry date on each current featured item.
If you feature an item to be featured in all 3 locations, they will first show in the slider (up to the slider display limit), then show in the grid (up to the grid display limit), then show in the list. Once an item is shown in either the slider or the grid, it won't be shown further down.

How can I learn the display limit for each section?
Options are available at ACP > Setup > Options > [TH] Featured Threads and Content: General Options > Feature page options. There is "Number of items to show in slider", "Number of items to show in grid" and "Featured content per page".
Options are available at ACP > Setup > Options > [TH] Featured Threads and Content: General Options > Feature page options. There is "Number of items to show in slider", "Number of items to show in grid" and "Featured content per page".
Thank you. Appreciated.
The helper text under the upload field recommends 1000x563 pixels, but the background container is responsive so not a consistent size across all devices. They'll need to generally be a ratio of 2:1 and be big enough to cover the container canvas, and the edges of the image may get cut off on certain screen sizes or grid layouts.
Not with this addon really, no, the slider is just pulling out featured content, so having the slider content managed any other way would be a different addon.

How can I align the avatar with the thread's title on the featured page on mobile just like it is on a wide screen? And is it possible to use the default circle shape of avatars instead of the square shape?


  • example.webp
    13.1 KB · Views: 7
Can you upload a more complete screenshot of that page? I'm not sure what theme you're using but I can't see anywhere by default that has an avatar that small where it is there.

To make them circular, edit thfeature.less, around line 43 remove .avatar {border-radius: 0;}
Can you upload a more complete screenshot of that page? I'm not sure what theme you're using but I can't see anywhere by default that has an avatar that small where it is there.

To make them circular, edit thfeature.less, around line 43 remove .avatar {border-radius: 0;}
I'm using the default Xenforo theme. The user-avatars are displaying right on top of each featured thread on mobile instead of right beside the title as it is on screen.


  • example 2.webp
    example 2.webp
    86 KB · Views: 7
Yes, that's where they're designed to show as there's limited space to show it anywhere else. The HTML for the avatar is around line 243 of the thfeature_macros template, you'd need to play around with restructuring this HTML so that message-avatar site alongside message-userDetails.
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