[TH] Donate

[TH] Donate 1.1.8 Patch Level 1

No permission to download
On that page it has "Get Donate for free by using the coupon code RAISEMONEY during checkout.", if you add that in the checkout process the addon is free.
Hello, the master value of this phrase thdonate_this_campaign_is_only_x_away_from_goal is This campaign is only {amount} away from its goal, please adjust your domain accordingly.

domain or donation ?
Is there any way to manually add a donation amount from a user? My problem: we have direct donations via PIX (Brazilian electronic money transfer) which we have to check and process manually, and eventually award users with donor status and points.
On the list of donation campaigns in the ACP, if you click the 3 dots menu and then Donations, there will be an Add donation button where you can manually add one.
TH Donate 1.1.7 Patch Level 3 works no more.
The donations (and donors) are not stored (Paypal campaign). With patch level 2 it still worked.
Check in PayPal that your IPN notifications have not been disabled. That version was released quite some time ago and nothing changed with how donations were taken or processed, it’s more likely your IPN notifications are not being sent.
Instant Payment Notifications, it’s how PayPal send a notification to XenForo that a purchase has been made. If they’ve been disabled for some reason they won’t be sent, so the donations won’t be created.
It might not necessarily be the URL that’s set there as the URL is sent by XF with each payment, the more important thing is if it is enabled or not.
It’ll be whenever PayPal sends it, which is usually near enough instant (hence the name).

Was it disabled in PayPal then? If it’s asking for a URL then just enter your forum domain, the full URL gets sent with the payment.
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