Implemented [Suggestion] Direct access to 'Register' AND 'Login' form, seperately


This is kind of a split from my other thread about the register form (which has gone a little off topic), but this one also relates to the login form too (hence a new thread).

This URL displays both the register form and the login (depending on post value):

XenForo needs to have direct access to both of those pages seperately, for anyone not wanting the dropdown .js at the top of the page.

(Or at least allow GET variables too).

Ta. :)
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/register works when you're not logged in. Otherwise it just says "Log in" because it's likely part of the user authentication controller, which would handle signups, logins, logouts, etc.
it didn't before. I did check:
it said:
XenForo Community - Error

The requested page could not be found.

I'm guessing it is new as that url is also viewable when logged in (unlike the login page) :)

Thank you for being so quick XF :)
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