sonnb - XenGallery (XenForo Gallery) [Deleted]

Please tell me how to get rid of the gallery stats. I don't want them showing on my forum. I don't see any way to get rid of them. :(


The 3 new stats are showing themselves almost the same way like above, but there are no numbers?
Ow that settings to show stats probably new feature?
Just enable it I have the value now:

But still a bug cause it's un phrase.
Thx, like I wrote, the numbers were showing finally but the stats probably overlapped "Most Online", so I had to disabl them :(
Last edited:
Hmmm. thanks. And that means?
You can modify template ragtek_sidebarBlock_mostOnlineUsers
Try to replace:
<dd class="Tooltip" title="{xen:dateTime $ragtek_mostOnlineUsersTime, 'absolute'}">
I cannot disable stats.. And for some reason these stats when enabled (or disabled for that matter) remove other more important statistics (imo)
I cannot disable stats.. And for some reason these stats when enabled (or disabled for that matter) remove other more important statistics (imo)
Please upgrade to 2.1.6 fix A. Not sure what is the problem mentioned in the second sentence.
Please upgrade to 2.1.6 fix A. Not sure what is the problem mentioned in the second sentence.
it is Fix A i am having the troubles with..

Statistics with XenGallery disabled..

Statistics with XenGallery Enabled and Statistics in options disabled.

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