Some images showing as attachments, not thumbnails


Well-known member
I've created a test thread on my forums, where I uploaded five images and inserted them all as thumbnails. On my site, some thumbnails show up, but some show up as attachments. They are all .png files. When I do the same test with the same images here at XF, they all show up as thumbnails (as they should).

These are my Options > Attachments settings.

Screen shot 2011-04-29 at 10.31.55 AM.webp

Do you have any add-ons installed or have you made any modifications to any of the core (php) files?

I just did some quick tests with a few installations (custom and vanilla) and I couldn't reproduce the problem.
Do you have any add-ons installed or have you made any modifications to any of the core (php) files?

I just did some quick tests with a few installations (custom and vanilla) and I couldn't reproduce the problem.

I have a similar forum setup, where images work. There were a few add-ons that were not installed on the other forum. I uninstalled them and still no luck.

Will rebuilding caches have any affect?
Are both forums on the same server?

You could try uploading the files from the upgrade package again.
It's possible that may help.
I see 2 images in the body of the message, and one as a separate attachment. If an attachment isn't referenced in the body, it will be shown below. If you edit the contents of that post, you should only see 2 attachments in the actual post.

The only way to really get more information would be to see a video of the post being created, as from what I see, I don't see anything wrong.
I've overwrote my files, disabled XFOptimize (figuring that *might* be the issue). Tried changing my ./js back to local (from CDN). Still, no luck. The other Add-Ons I have seem harmless and don't affect other sites with exact same configuration. (MailChimp, ragtek New User Conversation, TapaTalk, XenUtiles)

Here's a video detailing what's happening.

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Yes, it's worked on my test install and a beta before that. Both have since been removed. Here's an interesting twist. It works in Chrome, but does not in Safari 5.04 for Mac.

This is on a different server than my other forums.
Aha, so it's looking like it's browser specific?
How about Firefox and IE?

It's real odd. I tried Safari on my laptop and no problem. I reset Safari, deleted the PLIST and ran a permissions fix on the drive. Same problem. I set javascript in performance back to ./js and now it's working. I thought I had tried that before with a different result. Guessing Safari had an issue with the javascript loading from CDN or my CDN settings were incorrect. However, javascript was working with my CDN. It was just the loading of thumbnail display when using Safari didn't work properly. Maddening for sure. For now, I'll keep ./js and revisit it.

Thanks for your help.
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