XF 2.1 [Solved] Emojis not showing-up in Phrases?

If this is a forum that was upgraded from XF 1.5 then perhaps you haven’t converted your database to utf8mb4 yet.

Or perhaps you have but you haven’t added the fullUnicode flag to src/config.php.

There are no reasons emoji shouldn’t work so I’d start with the above.
Ran this command in shell: php cmd.php xf:convert-utf8mb4 but with one error...

Screen Shot 2020-02-27 at 9.48.03 PM.png

The following tables failed to convert:
    * xf_search_index: xf_search_index: MySQL query error [1366]: Incorrect string value: '\xF2&\x90\xB3\x00...' for column 'metadata' at row 165604
You should contact the table creator for guidance. Failure to correct this may lead to unexpected behavior.

Conversion complete, but with errors!
This probably just means you should delete and recreate your search index. If you are using Enhanced Search then you can just truncate/empty the table and no further action is required.

Then you can add:
$config['fullUnicode'] = true;
To your src/config.php file and you should have full use of emojis.
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