[TH] Social Groups [Deleted]

I think I need to rewind that. Could it be that one of your edited solutions where inside library/Waindingo/SocialGroups/SocialForum.php then you edited the path?
I reuploaded the SocialForum.php and now it seems to work. :)

Maybe. I don't remember doing that, but then the same happened to me. When I first wrote the bug fixes, I managed to replicate the issue you were having. Then I un-did them all and followed my instructions again one at a time and couldn't replicate your issue any more.

Glad its fixed anyway.
I noticed some small things, I just wanted to share:
The ability to create a non-open, but moderated groups does not make sense to me: The owner invites somebody, the user accepts and the owner/a moderator still has to accept his request, although he invited him.
A moderator cannot revoke an invitation, the user has to accept the invitation first and can only be removed after that.
The last thing is that I can't delete an invitation myself, which means that if I want to join a group and change my mind or the moderator takes too long to accept my invitation I might want to cancel the invitation.

Again: Just small things I noticed, but nothing that is necessary to fix, just saying. Great Addon! :)
I noticed some small things, I just wanted to share:
The ability to create a non-open, but moderated groups does not make sense to me: The owner invites somebody, the user accepts and the owner/a moderator still has to accept his request, although he invited him.
A moderator cannot revoke an invitation, the user has to accept the invitation first and can only be removed after that.
The last thing is that I can't delete an invitation myself, which means that if I want to join a group and change my mind or the moderator takes too long to accept my invitation I might want to cancel the invitation.
Your second and third points are solved by the first. I see your point though.
The purpose of invites currently is just a way of letting a user know that a group exists. If I remember correctly, it does not give them any extra permissions, access or privilege. Correct me if I'm wrong.
Oh and I don't know if that's your addon or xenforo permissions itself, but in recent threads (xenporta) and the activities of people (on their profile page) the threads within private groups are listed. You can't click open them (no permission), but you can see the title of the thread which is not that good. If you can it would be great if you could fix that.

Thanks :)
Oh and I don't know if that's your addon or xenforo permissions itself, but in recent threads (xenporta) and the activities of people (on their profile page) the threads within private groups are listed. You can't click open them (no permission), but you can see the title of the thread which is not that good. If you can it would be great if you could fix that.

Thanks :)
Sounds like you have your permissions set wrong or it is a bug with XenPorta. XenPorta should obey the default permissions (the ones set in the usual way). It likely won't obey any of the permissions set in the separate Social Groups ACP Options screen, but this should mean less permissions, not more.
I don't really think so, as I mentioned (and I checked it with a normal user account, too) they are also shown on the players profile in the social groups tab. I see the title, but don't have any permission to open that.
The basic forum permissions are completedly revoked for the social category (basicly the first block of permissions), but they have the permission to view social forums and such.

And furthermore a user can't see the thread titles in the groups listing in the forum (says private where the most recent post would be listed), which is why I think I configured it correctly.
I don't really think so, as I mentioned (and I checked it with a normal user account, too) they are also shown on the players profile in the social groups tab. I see the title, but don't have any permission to open that.
The basic forum permissions are completedly revoked for the social category (basicly the first block of permissions), but they have the permission to view social forums and such.

And furthermore a user can't see the thread titles in the groups listing in the forum (says private where the most recent post would be listed), which is why I think I configured it correctly.
Have you tried applying the exact same permissions to a normal forum and seeing what happens?
Just did that. The xenforo checking seems to work. Xenporta is not the problem since I can exclude forums there, but the groups tab in the profile is still wrong.
For those of you lost as me on permissions for this type of set up:
User created groups are only readable/postable if a member (private groups)

  1. Go to your admincp
  2. Create a New Social Category Node
  3. Go to permissions for that newly created node
  4. Go to Registered Members and revoke permissions for basically everything EXCEPT
Forum Permissions
View Node: Allow​
Time limit on editing/deleting own posts (minutes): Inherit​
I have all my options for "Forum Moderator Permissions" set to 'inherit' but you can change this up.​
Social Groups Moderator Permissions
Maximum large avatar file size (bytes): Inherit​
Delete social forum: Revoke​
5. Go to AdminCP>Options>Social Groups
6. The members is literally social group members abilities, aka if they join a social group. Set those permissions at your own choosing.
The Moderators group for the options is literally for those who are made moderators in the social groups, for those specific ones they joined and were made moderators of.
The Creator is clearly and obviously the owner permissions for the person who created the social group.
I noticed that since I use Social Forums that every link in alerts of the watch forums addon lead to the groups url (domain.tld/groupsOrWhatever/thread.xy/) which jumps to the index if the target thread is not part of a social forum.
I noticed that since I use Social Forums that every link in alerts of the watch forums addon lead to the groups url (domain.tld/groupsOrWhatever/thread.xy/) which jumps to the index if the target thread is not part of a social forum.
Thanks. I'll look into this.
when you have this addon enabled. The events addon gives an error. the error code is:
ErrorException: Undefined index: event_mins - library/EWRatendo/Model/Events.php:191
#0 /home/dev2/public_html/library/EWRatendo/Model/Events.php(191): XenForo_Application::handlePhpError(8, 'Undefined index...', '/home/dev2/publ...', 191, Array)
[SIZE=13px]#1 /home/dev2/public_html/library/Waindigo/SocialGroups/ControllerPublic/Events.php(45): EWRatendo_Model_Events->updateEvent(Array)
#2 /home/dev2/public_html/library/XenForo/FrontController.php(310): Waindigo_SocialGroups_ControllerPublic_Events->actionCreate()
#3 /home/dev2/public_html/library/XenForo/FrontController.php(132): XenForo_FrontController->dispatch(Object(XenForo_RouteMatch))
#4 /home/dev2/public_html/index.php(13): XenForo_FrontController->run()
#5 {main}
array(3) {
[SIZE=13px]  ["url"] => string(43) "http://dev2.halocommunity.com/events/create"
  ["_GET"] => array(0) {
  ["_POST"] => array(19) {
    ["event_title"] => string(16) "Test"
    ["event_description"] => string(12) "1, 2, Potato"
    ["_xfRelativeResolver"] => string(43) "http://dev2.******.com/events/create"
    ["event_venue"] => string(6) "Halo 4"
    ["event_address"] => string(0) ""
    ["event_citystate"] => string(0) ""
    ["event_zipcode"] => string(0) ""
    ["event_date"] => string(10) "2013-01-14"
    ["event_time"] => string(2) "12"
    ["event_ampm"] => string(2) "PM"
    ["event_length"] => string(1) "6"
    ["event_timezone"] => string(15) "America/Phoenix"
    ["event_stream"] => string(0) ""
    ["event_rsvp"] => string(1) "1"
    ["_xfToken"] => string(53) "1,1357928475,598299db71b19204d1f96bf995ae1a119ec48383"
    ["submit"] => string(10) "Save Event"
    ["_xfRequestUri"] => string(14) "/events/create"
    ["_xfNoRedirect"] => string(1) "1"
    ["_xfResponseType"] => string(4) "json"

Also how much work would it be to get hidden and invite only groups set up?
when you have this addon enabled. The events addon gives an error. the error code is:
I will release a new version of this add-on that has better compatibility with the events add-on. Until then, comment out or delete Line 44 of library/Waindigo/SocialGroups/Listener/LoadClassController.php:
self::_extend('Waindigo_SocialGroups_ControllerPublic_Events', $extend);

Also how much work would it be to get hidden and invite only groups set up?
This is possible if you just set up the right permissions. See this post as an example:
but basically you can set the forum to be as open or as hidden as you like.
Would it be possible to ever convert a forum into a social forum?

Or move threads from a forum into a social forum? On vB we made a script that generated a forum on the main page for groups to get around the lack of notifications in the vB groups system and would rather not lose all the groups posts and thraeds.
Would it be possible to ever convert a forum into a social forum?

Or move threads from a forum into a social forum? On vB we made a script that generated a forum on the main page for groups to get around the lack of notifications in the vB groups system and would rather not lose all the groups posts and thraeds.
Definitely something that we're planning on doing. You should be able to do it with a simple MySql query too (followed by a quick rebuild of caches).
anyway you could kinda point me in the right direction with the sql?

Basically what I need is the forum turning into a social group "thread" with all the threads intact within the group.
Off the top of my head...
UPDATE xf_thread SET node_id = XXX, social_forum_id = YYY WHERE node_id = ZZZ
replacing XXX and YYY with the IDs of the Social Forum Category and Social Forum you want to move to, respectively, and ZZZ with the ID of the Forum that you wish to move from.

Then rebuild forum and social forum caches.
Need to underline my xenPorta permission problems. I used the box you get along with the addon (new groups) and guest (unregistered) don't have any rights:
If they visit the group category they see the correct message that there are no groups, same via the forum. But if they are on the portal and see the box they get the list of the newest groups (but they should not have permission for that).
Well but that is not the real problem, I could deactivate the block for specific groups, BUT and now the strage part: The user can click on one of the groups and see the FULL content!
I even set for unregistered/uncomfirmed every thing to "never", but they can still see everything if they have a direkt url to the group.
Not that great....

Update: Forum specific rights fixed that. but that is (in my opinion) a workaround that should not be necessary
Two questions, firstly I'm not able to change it so you can't read the content unless you are a member of the group. I.E. Everyone can see the content of the social forums, just not post.

Also I can't find out how regular members can add others to their social group.
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