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Simple Wordpress to Xenforo Plugin Needed, Single log-in and cookied


Well-known member
Is there a wordpress to Xenforo bridge that will allow someone to log-in via Wordpress and get recognized as a user in Xenforo? We are already using the Wordpress permission systems to manage our userbase and simply want to have an account created in Xenforo that matches and keep people logged in so they don't have to log in twice.

An added extra feature that would be nice is to be able to use Xenforo avatars on Wordpress and have Xenforo manage the commenting area on Wordpress articles. That way they appear to be more fully integrated and there is one community component used on the site (not a separate profile for Wordpress comments and another for the Xenforo area.)

I've looked at some of the other mods on here and they simply don't work this way. They go the OTHER way and make Xenforo take over the user management. This makes no sense. Many people have a blog or website already and are ALREADY using the wordpress member database. They simply want to tack on a forum component and have it play nice with Wordpress and keep Wordpress in control.

Wordpress and Xenforo are both well-documented with good API's. Seems to be a simple coding issue to make them talk, yet there's nothing out there that bridges the two like this.

Does anyone know of a proper bridge or plugin for this anywhere? How much would something like this cost to get done on elance?
Basically, yeah it's the same idea. Wordpress to Xenforo with Wordpress remaining in control for login purposes and cookies.
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