SEO for Xenforo

I have noticed that my site isn't even listening on google when you search the term "Game Network Online"

One thing to consider is whether people would actually do a search using those exact terms? Does anyone every put the word "online" in their searches, given that all the search results will be "online". Also the word "network", who would use that word when searching and hoping to find a discussion forum?

To truly find how your site is doing in search engines you need to use the kind of serach terms that your potential users would be using.

Ok now I am confused.

I meant is this what this is all about, is he refering to my signature? As in do I need to change it to anchor text? But how will this increase SEO, its on Xenforo and not my site anyway?

I have seen many people argue against optimised keyword anchor text in forum signature links, since the Google penguin update. Google themselves warn about this in their guidelines on link schemes. Forum signature links can appear spammy, but as long as you have a nofollow they should be OK (but then do very little to help SEO anyway).

One of my sites took a huge hit after the Penguin Google update, and removing signature links on one specific froum that do not have nofollow improved the situation alot.

The main benefit with links is to get organic links back toyour site, ie not spammy of paid for links - just links that people put up because they think your site is good.
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When you guy submit sitemap to google console and other consoles what format do you use?

sitemap.xml or sitemap.php or both?

On my server there is only sitemap.php but both work in browser.
I have seen many people argue against optimised keyword anchor text in forum signature links, since the Google penguin update. Google themselves warn about this in their guidelines on link schemes. Forum signature links can appear spammy, but as long as you have a nofollow they should be OK (but then do very little to help SEO anyway).

Ono of my sites took a huge hit after the Penguin Google update, and removing signature links on one specific froum that do not have nofollow improved the situation alot.
Rel nofollow attribute or not, you're not going to be affected if your anchor text is your site's name.

Take a look at as an example. Look at how many sites link to it in the footer without the rel nofollow attribute. isn't penalized. As a matter of fact, it's ranking #1 for @Zuse's showcase topic about his site. Now, if you're trying to stick in "make money online", "earn cash quick" and "best ways to make money online" all linking to on the same page, that is another story.
By content, you mean threads and posts?

Are backlinks such as an image linked to my forum on another website is good enough?
By content, you mean threads and posts?

Are backlinks such as an image linked to my forum on another website is good enough?

One image link? No.

Also important is the authority of the site that is linking to you. Links from a site that Google considers low quality or spammy could even have a negative impact.
One image link? No.

Also important is the authority of the site that is linking to you. Links from a site that Google considers low quality or spammy could even have a negative impact.

Of course not just one but I mean if several sites continuinely back link you through an image, could that increase it?
Of course not just one but I mean if several sites continuinely back link you through an image, could that increase it?

If it's also an actual hyperlink link rather than just an embedded image, and if it has a good descriptive alt tag then that can all help.
The content isn’t even listening. Like the EvilGunz category, it’s their main server forum and if you search EvilGunz, it’s on 3rd page. You would think it be on first page.
It's been over two years. I'm wondering how your website traffic is doing today. Has it picked up? Are you satisfied with where it is? Are you now ranking for your keywords? Thanks.
Ok thanks. I will take a look when I’m home.

But how will increasing the submission get me on top page? I mean it auto does it now and again anyway so how will increasing it do any better?
It won't.

You're in a high competition niche in terms of search terms, which are going to hit all sorts of sites from those that sell games to YouTube videos about playing the game as well as older forums, etc. Your forum is quite new as I recall.

Your home page isn't helping either. Not enough content and the content that's is there is mixed (are you a gaming forum or a political forum? don't mix the two).

Change the home page to the forum index. Then carefully review all the category and forum names and if necessary rename those to highlight better search terms. Create descriptions for each node with good keywords/search terms and make sure those are displayed below the node name where googlebot can see them, not as tooltips.

Hide internal forums from guests (announcements, appeals, etc.). Nobody is going to search for those if they are interested in gaming. Nobody who isn't already a member even cares about those nodes.

Your forum title ("Gaming Forum") is way too general. Expand that to something with better search terms and make it a bit longer and more specific.

Those are some starting points. Then make sure you have your Google Analytics and Google Search Console created and pay attention to how people are finding you. Make further adjustments for those data as you go along.

Think like a searcher and like a searchbot.

Then be patient... :)
It won't.

You're in a high competition niche in terms of search terms, which are going to hit all sorts of sites from those that sell games to YouTube videos about playing the game as well as older forums, etc. Your forum is quite new as I recall.

Your home page isn't helping either. Not enough content and the content that's is there is mixed (are you a gaming forum or a political forum? don't mix the two).

Change the home page to the forum index. Then carefully review all the category and forum names and if necessary rename those to highlight better search terms. Create descriptions for each node with good keywords/search terms and make sure those are displayed below the node name where googlebot can see them, not as tooltips.

Hide internal forums from guests (announcements, appeals, etc.). Nobody is going to search for those if they are interested in gaming. Nobody who isn't already a member even cares about those nodes.

Your forum title ("Gaming Forum") is way too general. Expand that to something with better search terms and make it a bit longer and more specific.

Those are some starting points. Then make sure you have your Google Analytics and Google Search Console created and pay attention to how people are finding you. Make further adjustments for those data as you go along.

Think like a searcher and like a searchbot.

Then be patient... :)
It’s funny how this thread randomly got revived after two years later. Thank you for the information though! I’ve definitely learned so much from when I first created this thread. Just to note, this thread was created about a different forum/website than the one I have now.
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It’s funny how this thread randomly got revived after two years later. Thank you for the information though! I’ve definitely learned so much from when I first created this thread. Just to note, this thread was created about a different forum/website than the one I have now.
My comments apply to your gaming forum though, the one in your signature.
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