XF 2.1 Remove link on profile from username in widget_members_online

John rus

On widget online users (widget_members_online) i have code:
<li><xf:username user="$user" class="{{ !$user.visible ? 'username--invisible' : '' }}" /></li>
How remove link on profile from username ?
I want have nicknames text only, without links on profiles

Sorry my English
On widget online users (widget_members_online) i have code:
<li><xf:username user="$user" class="{{ !$user.visible ? 'username--invisible' : '' }}" /></li>
How remove link on profile from username ?
I want have nicknames text only, without links on profiles

Sorry my English

You can use href="" in <xf:username to remove the hyperlink.

Code to show profile links for members and remove the link for guests.

<xf:if is="$xf.visitor.user_id">
<xf:username user="$user" rich="true" defaultname="{$fallbackName}"/>
<xf:else />
<xf:username user="$user" rich="true" defaultname="{$fallbackName}" href=""/>

{$user.username} can also be used to output just username.

Look for it in message_macros template
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