Fixed Reaction title doesn't use correct language in push notifications


Well-known member
Affected version
If administrator knows about "reaction title" in phrases, he can translate reactions. We're on own forum use this.

And XenForo respects receiver alert language, but only in alerts. In push, he uses phrase for selected language who reacts:

Receiver uses Russian language, i [user who reacts] prefer english. On push, used english phrase ("facepalm"), on site - Russian ("Фэйспалм").
Thank you for reporting this issue, it has now been resolved. We are aiming to include any changes that have been made in a future XF release (2.2.6).

Change log:
Ensure that phrases indirectly used in push and email templates use the correct language.
There may be a delay before changes are rolled out to the XenForo Community.
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