Page indexing issue from google

As mentioned if you tell us the URL maybe we can help.

Also you still haven’t said what you mean by “in its entirety” which implies it is partially indexed, and I don’t know what that means.
Sorry! It means nothing on the forum page is being indexed at all. No threads, no posts. I have a separate articles page which is named as the home page and that is where the domain name leads - that page is indexed (but only has articles on). The domain for the forum page is

I went on Google search console and put the /forums url in and requested indexing. Still shows as crawled but not indexed. It just says the pages are blocked. Not sure why as I have not altered robots.txt.

I am thinking of submitting a site map but not sure how!
The domain for the forum page is
Er... that isn't very helpful! That is just a generic URL that leads to a 404 of course.

It just says the pages are blocked. Not sure why as I have not altered robots.txt.
Well, hence I asked for the forum URL, ie I was asking the address of your forum so maybe can take a look and possibly help.

I am thinking of submitting a site map but not sure how!

xenForo does that automatically.
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Ok! Thanks for confirming Xenforo submits site map automatically. I was just giving an example of the forum page url :) . According to google this is a common issue for a lot of people right now - google crawling and not indexing. So maybe I just need to be patient. At least it's indexing the home page and main domain name.
I'll stop banging on about google search console now! I've got high scores on everything in page insights so that's looking good.
Ok I think I've solved it. In case anyone else has this issue!

At the bottom of this list are the 54 forum pages "crawled but not indexed". Under validation it says "not started". Clicking on the 54 pages takes you to a page where you can click on validation and start it. It now shows as "started". Still says not indexed but presumably the validation takes a bit of time (plus adding more content).

Page indexing.webp
The main thing you need to do... is have patience. Google does NOT immediately index your entire site at one go. Mine's been up for several months and I still have several in the "crawled not currently indexed" area.
Did you even look at what those links were? I think you will find that several are to items that won't be displayed in Google anyway, like

If you had investigated a little further, you would see why you have those links:

Crawled - currently not indexed​

The page was crawled by Google but not indexed. It may or may not be indexed in the future; no need to resubmit this URL for crawling.

As I said... patience is a virtue... don't be like this meme.


I further have this one. As you can see, it's Google being nice and NOT overloading your site with "visits" that can degrade the performance of the site for REAL users.

Discovered - currently not indexed​

The page was found by Google, but not crawled yet. Typically, Google wanted to crawl the URL but this was expected to overload the site; therefore Google rescheduled the crawl. This is why the last crawl date is empty on the report.
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Thank you! Yes I was impatient. It seems they are not needed anyway. I'm on page one of Google now, near the top (depending on what you put in the search box). Now need to work out how to get ahead of my competitor mwah ha ha.
Aw don't dampen my enthusiasm. I used the same search term throughout - it started on page 4 - went back to page 10, stuck at page 9 for a bit - then on page 2 and now fourth entry on page 1. It's the search term specific to the forum but without the word "forum" in the search - all sorts comes up (but that is the same for the competition).
I don't know how old your forum is but creating a community is not a sprint race but an endurance race. The work pays but the results generally take at least a few months... And depending on the subject and the competition, it can take more than a year. Above all, do not be discouraged and do not focus ALL your attention on Google.
Thank you. I appreciate that. This is my second forum and the last one did take 6 months to a year to build up :) . I guess I'm a bit impatient this time. I have a few keen members and don't want to lose them so hoping new members will find it on google.
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