[OzzModz] Scheduled Content

[OzzModz] Scheduled Content 2.1.2 Patch Level 2

No permission to download
But your not understanding.

The person that paid for this addon to be developed to their requirements, did not ask for the permissions to be separate. So it in no way, shape or form “really should be day one option.”.
In my defence this was not made clear anywhere in your add-on or comments and you are now only claiming this so as far as I'm concerned this is just another add-on release from you.

I don’t have to do anything. The addon is released as-is, if it suits your needs then use it. If it don’t suit your needs then don’t use it. You’re more than welcome to hire someone to develop a similar addon to do what you want it to do.

Now, as I said earlier, I’ll look into it later. That may be awhile due to other work taking priority over this.
If this is paid add-on made by you for someone else and is as you quote "released as-is" then maybe again you should make this clear so then maybe i wouldn't make claims like "really should be day one option" etc etc. Maybe then you me and the next guy will have some clear understanding.

I am well aware what add-ons suits my needs and doesn't but if the said add-on stats the following:

  • Permissions per each content type
Then what does that tell you and before you say images (Images doesn't always tell you the right story) and since it's free then it's called trying it and if so suggest it if you don't want suggestions make it clear.

This will be my last post regarding this and if by any means you wish to continue shoot me a message.
I don’t have to make anything more clear than what is in the addon description. The content types are clearly shown which types are supported in the screenshot of the permissions.

I also do not have to tell you nor anyone if the addon was developed for me, Joe Blow or anyone else.

Either use it as-is or don’t , I really do not care.
In my defence this was not made clear anywhere in your add-on or comments and you are now only claiming this so as far as I'm concerned this is just another add-on release from you.

If this is paid add-on made by you for someone else and is as you quote "released as-is" then maybe again you should make this clear so then maybe i wouldn't make claims like "really should be day one option" etc etc. Maybe then you me and the next guy will have some clear understanding.

I am well aware what add-ons suits my needs and doesn't but if the said add-on stats the following:

  • Permissions per each content type
Then what does that tell you and before you say images (Images doesn't always tell you the right story) and since it's free then it's called trying it and if so suggest it if you don't want suggestions make it clear.

This will be my last post regarding this and if by any means you wish to continue shoot me a message.
You should learn to leave well enough alone. He had already promised to consider the suggestion further. You really shouldn't be telling a developer releasing a free addon what should have been included in the addon on day one. That's a good way to contribute to them getting fed up with the community and moving on. Just make your suggestion, without reprimanding them in the process, and hope for the best.
You should learn to leave well enough alone. He had already promised to consider the suggestion further. You really shouldn't be telling a developer releasing a free addon what should have been included in the addon on day one. That's a good way to contribute to them getting fed up with the community and moving on. Just make your suggestion, without reprimanding them in the process, and hope for the best.
100% agree (y)

Also because I already "worked" with him and Painbaker and I can guarantee they're wonderful and polite persons.

People should learn to be more thankful for what comes for free, since "nothing is owed" like we use to say
Hello Ozzy,

Would you consider a new feature request?
Schedule Style change?

It looks like your Addon is the closest it gets to the ask of scheduling Style changes on given days of the year.
Thank you
The system/sql date of the discussion is that of the day of creation or that of the day of publication?
Seems like there is a bug while selecting the scheduled date. It automatically selects one date ahead. If I wish to schedule something later today and select 15th May from the Calendar and then the date selected automatically come up as 14th may. And then it asks me to select a future date since 14th is already passed. So I I have to schedule it on 16th, then I will have to select the date 17th from the dropdown calendar. This happens even while manually typing the date instead of picking up from the drop down calendar. As soon as type 15-05-2022 it automatically turns back into 14-05-2022
Tested it on latest XF on two different installations with same result
Can't confirm this is issue here...

If you can, make a clone of your installation and try disabling all other add-ons: you might be facing some kind of conflicts with this add-on, I guess 🤔

But anyway, when I am scheduling for the same day, I only set the time and ignore the day. But I've tested it and for me it's working 🤷🏻‍♂️
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