[OzzModz] Advanced Forms

[OzzModz] Advanced Forms [Paid] 2.2.4 Beta 6

No permission to buy ($30.00)
Does someone have a demo of how this or the 1.x version works?

If I have a need to have a sort of "template" for starting a thread, would this accomplish that?

What I'm looking at is another addon that defaults fixed text into the editor window when you go to start a post in a certain forum (like XFA Thread Template for instance) but what would really be more useful is if I could create a form for someone to fill out and select things instead of having to set up a bunch of options in a template (where one would have to then erase the ones that didn't apply)
It is running on my site.

It can be used for what you want to start a thread in a fixed order from the form itself. No options to include or not include items...

You'll need to register to post a thread in that forum.
Thanks, that helps.
No options to include or not include items...
This confused me a bit - what I was looking for was something to take place of having to delete items that don't apply.

So for instance, if I had a sub-forum on an aquarium site for "emergencies" and the possible related items might be:
Other (with a field)

Then check boxes on each of these, this would be a really good tool for people to start out a thread that pins down the issues they are having so that they could be helped quickly. Usually the way things go are along the line of "I've got a problem with my XYZ can anyone help?" and then the Q&A ensues to narrow down the problem.

I have many uses for this I think!
If you have a list of checkboxes, only the items checked show up in the post. You could also use a single selection dropdown for that if you wanted.

Also, the actual question does not need to appear in a post. You can set each question to not show and only show the answer in a post.

Personally, I think this is actually a quite powerful system with many uses. But I am bias. :D
I agree! That you're biased. :LOL::LOL::LOL:

But seriously, it is very nice. The issue I have is that one site will likely stay on XF1.x for a time, but I think I could really use this now. So if that's the case, either I wait and only get the XF2.x version or I get XF1.x and pay again when I need this one...
Can each form have a different recipient? For example, once a user fills the form, can another user, who I specify while creating the form, then receive the form via Email or PM?
Can each form have a different recipient? For example, once a user fills the form, can another user, who I specify while creating the form, then receive the form via Email or PM?
Yes, each form can have a different email, PC, or thread. They are set at the time the form is created.
Yes, each form can have a different email, PC, or thread. They are set at the time the form is created.

What happens when a user uploads an attachment to a form, and the form is set to be sent via an email? Will the recipient receive the attachment via an email?

Thank you.
What happens when a user uploads an attachment to a form, and the form is set to be sent via an email? Will the recipient receive the attachment via an email?

Thank you.
Attachments are only in threads and PCs. They are not sent by email.
@Snog just some info before buying.

When user submite form, complete answer can be posted in existing thread?
I have closed thread for replies and need that users can submit "post" via form. So when user submite form, his answers show up in that thread.
@Snog just some info before buying.

When user submite form, complete answer can be posted in existing thread?
I have closed thread for replies and need that users can submit "post" via form. So when user submite form, his answers show up in that thread.
Yes, they can be submitted to an existing thread.
Just bought this add-on and testing various things out.

One question - can I use a RegEx to test for character length? I want to check that the first question variable is shorter than 100 characters as that is going into the thread title.
Just bought this add-on and testing various things out.

One question - can I use a RegEx to test for character length? I want to check that the first question variable is shorter than 100 characters as that is
going into the thread title.
Yes you can.

Also, is there a way to use more than just the {1} and {2} variables in thread title?
No there isn't.
Previously, on VB4, I was using a free modification called Easy Forms. From the description and name 'Advanced' Forms, I expected this add-on would be capable of the same things and more for XF2 so I purchased it, but even though this is a paid resource, I'm finding that a lot of the features I used on the free mod are not available here.

I realize there's a different architecture and so not everything can necessarily be the same. I also don't want to belittle the work you have done here, because it integrates nicely with the forum, was easy to set up and use, and the default output is simple but professional. However, I was really looking for more advanced features. Are there plans to add additional features to this resource? Hopefully including any of the following:

  • Ability to reference any question answers in the Thread/PC Title.
  • Simple character restrictions in addition to RegEx.
  • Ability to customize output with BBcode and references to form items.
  • Ability to execute PHP hooks when opening a form, or as it's being submitted.
  • Allow users to preview output before submitting.
  • Branching, either by hiding/unhiding or implementing multiple pages. Ie, if a user selects DC, the next questions are about Batman and Superman, or if they answer Marvel, the next questions are about Iron Man and Captain America.

I can also see in this thread that I'm not the only one who would like to be able to save reports to a database. Even if you don't include tools to reference the databases, there are ways we can use that data.

Any such additions would be fantastic. Thank you.
Yes you can.

Hmmm so I put the code above into the Text Regular Expression area, but it does not give an error when submitting the form. Also, I want to limit to A-Za-z0-9 /#$() characters only.

Your help is greatly appreciated.

Also echo what kbryant posted as we are using a custom-developed form system in VB4 with a lot of flexibility - downside is it was/is a pain to maintain with multiple PHP files on server and major template edits required, so I really appreciate the simplicity of the Advanced Forms add-on, just wish that some more errmm ... advanced features were available.

These would be my two top-most requirements:-
- Ability to reference any question answers in the Thread/PC Title.
- Simple character restrictions in addition to RegEx.
Hmmm so I put the code above into the Text Regular Expression area, but it does not give an error when submitting the form. Also, I want to limit to A-Za-z0-9 /#$() characters only.
Put an error in the "Regular expression validation error" box for the question.

Use regex101.com to learn regex and develop your regular expressions. I can't supply everyone with regular expressions for everything that might crop up.
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Previously, on VB4, I was using a free modification called Easy Forms. From the description and name 'Advanced' Forms, I expected this add-on would be capable of the same things and more for XF2 so I purchased it, but even though this is a paid resource, I'm finding that a lot of the features I used on the free mod are not available here.

I realize there's a different architecture and so not everything can necessarily be the same. I also don't want to belittle the work you have done here, because it integrates nicely with the forum, was easy to set up and use, and the default output is simple but professional. However, I was really looking for more advanced features. Are there plans to add additional features to this resource? Hopefully including any of the following:
Even the vB version of this was never a clone of Easy Forms and it will never be a clone of Easy Forms.

Ability to reference any question answers in the Thread/PC Title.
This will most likely never happen. For example, a full text editor answer question type could never be used as a title.

character restrictions
I don't see this happening either. This can be done with regex and would be redundant.

bility to customize output with BBcode and references to form items.
Already on the wish list.

Ability to execute PHP hooks when opening a form, or as it's being submitted.
When opening a form won't happen. It's already possible when submitting a form.

Allow users to preview output before submitting.
Already on the wish list.

Branching, either by hiding/unhiding or implementing multiple pages. Ie, if a user selects DC, the next questions are about Batman and Superman, or if they answer Marvel, the next questions are about Iron Man and Captain America.
This is already on the wish list.

I can also see in this thread that I'm not the only one who would like to be able to save reports to a database. Even if you don't include tools to reference the databases, there are ways we can use that data.
This is already on the wish list.
Even the vB version of this was never a clone of Easy Forms and it will never be a clone of Easy Forms.

This will most likely never happen. For example, a full text editor answer question type could never be used as a title.

I don't see this happening either. This can be done with regex and would be redundant.

Already on the wish list.

When opening a form won't happen. It's already possible when submitting a form.

Already on the wish list.

This is already on the wish list.

This is already on the wish list.

Thanks for the response. I'm glad to see many of these are planned for implementation. Your earlier responses gave me the impression you were opposed to adding database functionality, and I don't think I saw most of the others mentioned.

I would ask you to reconsider including questions in the thread title. You already caution admins to be aware of what they're including in the First Question, as quoted below, so why are other questions different? The first question is not always the most relevant or identifiable, and in many cases, two or even three answers are needed to create a descriptive title for a thread.

{2} = First Question Answer NOTE: Use caution when using this option. A thread title is limited to 100 characters. Use that as a guide when considering using the First Question Answer in the title.

Redundant or not, I think simple character limits would be appreciated not just by myself but by most users of this add-on. I can string RegEx together when needed, but if I'm only doing character limits, just being able to plug in the numbers is more convenient. I need character limits on most questions, I only need more complex limitations on a few of them.

I must confess that I'm not seeing an option to execute custom PHP when users submit a form on my currently installed version, 1.0.0. Am I missing it, or do you mean that it's included in a coming update?

I never claimed or intended the implication that this was a clone of Easy Forms. I only wanted to provide an example of an existing mod that had the features I was asking for, showing that it is possible to include them. I would prefer not to make unreasonable, pie-in-the-sky requests. If a free add-on made almost 8 years ago on a less advanced software can do it, though, I see little reason why a more advanced, paid add-on on more advanced software could not. Believe me that if it was free, I wouldn't complain, and would just be grateful for what I received, but it's not. Maybe it's my fault for not asking these questions before buying, but I paid for the add-on under the assumption that I could at least recreate forms I've used on my forums for years.

Thank you again for your response. I look forward to future updates and seeing how this add-on evolves.

And as long as we're here, Happy New Year!
I think I may have misunderstood when you want a PHP file included. It's available when a form is approved, not submitted.

And please don't misinterpret an item being on the wish list as automatically being added in the future. They are on the wish list, but are subject to scrutiny when I do look at them when I start doing major updates.
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