Nulled to License


New member

I use an Nulled version 2.1.3 while 2 Months on live website.

I'am totaly satisfied and want to buy a license, my questions is:

- How to paid the 2 months of used a nulled version and add-ons?

- How to migrate to legit version without data lost? Simply copy / past the legit files with no touch the database?

- When I'll purchase my addons nulled, I upgrade it like normaly without data lost?

Thanks for your anwsers.
Thank you for all your answers.

So, you suggest I delete all files and upload the legit version, in the setup, the installer will accept the content of my database ? (all thread, permission, attachment, all basic setting...)
Can I keep the data folder ? With all attachement etc.. ?
I presume I will lost all template modification & theme, right ?

It seems complicated to me this migration.
I would like to have as much information as possible on the steps to follow for this migration.

Or, is the Installation Service at $50 can do this migration for me ?

Thanks in advance, have a great day.
It's actually very simple to transfer it!
  • Transfer NULL version software as subdomain.
  • Install your original version forum software from scratch!
  • and finally just run the xenForo import.

Once you start importing all your data, simply delete the NULL version software.
Overwrite files and reimport master data, and you'll be fine.
still depends from which site you took nulled.
most of nulleds are not infected tho.
This can create problems. For example, a xenForo licensed user has 1,000 files. What do you intend to do if the downloaded NULL version file has 12,000 files? So, can you give information about whether the content of this file will be shared with different sites?

Based on my 21 years of website writing experience, I can give you solid advice. Do not use a NULL version of a software! This will be the best advice I can give you for all software.
Easy solution so no nulled files are left behind:
1) Download the edited config file of the nulled site (and save the database info within it)
2) Rename the nulled installation directory So eg: If the nulled directory lived at, renmae it so it's at
3) Make a new directory using the old directory name, eg: If you had your site at, then make a new /forums directory with the new, non-nulled files using the same version you ran the nulled version on.
4) Edit the new clean config file accordingly so it uses your old config's details (effectively making it talk to the database.
5) Upgrade new clean legit forums if necessary.

Does this make sense?

In the end you should have 2 directories full of Xenforo files
1 nulled directory with the nulled/illegal files and 1 directory with your new legit files (where your forum was originally located with the nulled files)
Funny how the term "NULL" has come to replace the term "pirate", giving pirating software a veneer of respectibility it doesn't deserve.

It's pirate software. Call it what it is, stop doing it and stop using it.

In your case, you don't know what malware is running on your website by now. Therefore, I recommend wiping everything: literally just start a new hosting VPS and install your clean, licensed software from scratch, along with a new database.

You'll lose all the data that you've amassed with the pirate version, but I don't think that deserves supporting like people are trying to do here out of kindness and could harbour malware. I know this sounds harsh, but piracy is a crime and hence shouldn't be rewarded in any way. Just go straight now and start over.
You are hindering people here from discussing things in further detailed levels.

Piracy can also include cases of misusing vanilla distros fetched from official approaches, including directly distribute non-changed vanilla distros to warez sites. However, nulled distros (also called something "cracked") are modified to remove the internal programming codes that automatically check the license validity status. Also, if the original vanilla distro phones back to the software manufacturer, nulled distros remove this. Since cracking script-based softwares (like PHP website software) is theoreotically not as hard as cracking binary-compiled softwares (which requires heavy experiences of dealing with assembly language), they use "null" to indicate the simple deletion process of portion of text contents from the scripts.

The topic of anti-piracy includes anti-warez. However, the OP's problem is to how to convert the forum from nulled installation to official vanilla installation. This is achievable with countable risks. You know nothing but are yelling here trying to make everything less helpful. Don't you know that "the possibility of successfully converting nulled installations to official vanilla installations" can persuade more nulled distro users to buy XenForo license?
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