Need help editing the node_list categories loop


I wanna do a CS mod, that means that the categories are going to float in groups with their forums.
To do that i need to edit the loop that exports the forums and categories... and i dont have any idea from where to start...

where can i learn the xenforo syntax? and where are all right files?
here you haev my demo board(sorry, its hebrew), im using on it phpbb3, as you can see in the main page, i did that the categories are in blocks, in this style i didnt tables, so i needed to do after every 3 categories this line: <div style="clean:both"></div>
bacause if i didnt output the code, the categories didnt fited good in their place.

well, this is what i want to do in xenf, to put that code every 3 categories.

LOL, i forgot the link hh:
I did some testing and I was unable to create a running count of categories using template syntax. But you can manually specify every 3rd catid:

Rich (BB code):
<xen:if is="in_array({$category.node_id}, array(1,2,3))">
Oh here is another idea. If you tightly manage the display orders of your categories then you can use this condition:

<xen:if is="{$category.display_order} % 3 == 0">


That will be true for every third category (display orders 3, 6, 9, etc).
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