Add-on Need a developer to create an add-on.


Hi there.
I need an add-on to add customizable image labels to categories. It can be one and more labels on each forum category. Example on attached screenshot.
Each label have:
1. Image with some features, watch 4.
2. URL. Mouse click on label open new page. URL changing in category settings. Not required field.
3. Each label can have description. It shows on popup, when mouse over the label.
4. Label image can changing with time. In label properties must be field like datetime. For example, on start label opacity is 100%. Afrter one week it 75%. After one more week it 50%. And after one more week it came 25%. In settings need to set: initial date, initial opacity, time step in days, step for opacity, final opacity, checkbox: change/not change label opacity with time.


Post any questions here. Your price - with private message.
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