Implemented Multiple Developers / Authors

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It would be nice if we could set "co-developers" for an add-on.

So if an add-on is unsupported because the coder moved away, the co developer could support the ressource without needing to create a new thread.

E.g. there where several add-ons from ajnos, where i created a bugfix release, but where i had to wait for ajnos to come into office, so he can upload it... and as ajnos left, we had to close most of his released add-ons threads and release them under my account ( or let them closed and unsupported)
It would be nice if we could set "co-developers" for an add-on.

So if an add-on is unsupported because the coder moved away, the co developer could support the ressource without needing to create a new thread.

E.g. there where several add-ons from ajnos, where i created a bugfix release, but where i had to wait for ajnos to come into office, so he can upload it... and as ajnos left, we had to close most of his released add-ons threads and release them under my account ( or let them closed and unsupported)

This was an idea I had rolling around in my head for months but never felt the need to suggest it. A way for the original developer to insert another users name to take over an abandoned project is definitely a sound idea. (y)
Our usage is slighltly different though achievable with the same functionality (if provided). We have users uploading resources that they may not have created (where there is permission to share), so they like to mention the name of the original author / source of the resource in a separate field.
Being able to transfer ownership or assign co-developers would be great. I have a gaming community where modding will be pretty important, being able to allow others to take over without creating a new thread would be nice.
A simple mention of other authors in the description will do fine.
I haven't seen any mods released here by multiple authors yet. If there is a big team behind the product, usually it is released under the company account.
A simple mention of other authors in the description will do fine.
I haven't seen any mods released here by multiple authors yet. If there is a big team behind the product, usually it is released under the company account.
It would be useful for Xenique's styles, as I do most of the code maintenance for them (Mostly our framework).

Also XenFluence will have multiple authors (Though each author has their own projects), so it might be useful for managing releases when the original author isn't readily available.
It would be useful for Xenique's styles, as I do most of the code maintenance for them (Mostly our framework).

Also XenFluence will have multiple authors (Though each author has their own projects), so it might be useful for managing releases when the original author isn't readily available.
I thought you were cheering for doing everything in your own site, Forsaken, you would probably not need this here ?
I thought you were cheering for doing everything in your own site, Forsaken, you would probably not need this here ?
As long as we're not forced to pass payments through the site, I don't mind listing things.

It just makes much more sense to use our own site for licensing than it does to use XenForo's site.

We also have free styles that we post here, and I often have more time than Kim to update styles.
In my website we publish some resources that needs to be upgraded frequently, and some "author" users can't do it.
So I should change the file author, to allow me to manage the update and then give back the author tag to original user, so he can update the resource when he needs to do it.

There is a plugin that allow this kind of resource multi-user management?

Thank you in advance for any answer.
Hey, since XF2.1 is currently being worked on to be ready for a release, i have a "little" suggestion regarding the Resource Manager.

I'd like to have the option to enable multiple authors on a single resource. For example, if i create a resource i would have the option to add another user to act as a Co-Developer who's able to edit and update the resource without being able to delete it or change the original author who would be me.

That would be a huge advantage for every modding community since many developers tend to abandon their resources after a while if they don't have time to work on it. This would open up the opportunity for other developers to Co-Develop those mods and keeping them alive.

Thank you,
I have an paid add-on which implements this;

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