XF 2.0 Most efficient way to rearrange Page_Container template?


Well-known member
So with Xenforo 2 the main page templates are no longer separated into many sub-templates and called within Page_Container, but rather listed out (top to bottom) as one major template. Because of this I'm wondering what's the best way to rearrange, or conditionally display components (which used to have their own templates) without breaking anything?

For example, if I were to have an option to move the breadcrumb, the footer style chooser & links row, etc to different positions, using <xf:if> statements. Is there a practical way besides copy/pasting code, or can this be done with the macro system? I'm also worried about future-proofing and not breaking Template Modifications that may be introduced via addons and such.. basically the lease invasive approach.

Thanks for any input,
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