List of depreciated add-ons by 1.2?


Well-known member
I know it's somewhere, just can't find it, can someone send me the list of add-ons that are depreciated by features in 1.2? and those who haven't been updated for 1.2 yet?
Or do what i did and light em all up and watch the error reports roll in and shut them down accordingly then update one at a time, then delete anything left.. (or leave them disabled) and wait for updates.
What happens if an addon totally gives errors and leaves a blank white screen (like some wordpress plugins do when they error). Would this ever happen in Xenforo? Does anyone have any error screen they care to post so we know what to look out for and expect? With all the addons now, there are bound to be some borked ones with the 1.2 update.
Always test upgrades first, but you should be able to hide errors by disabling add-ons.
What happens if an addon totally gives errors and leaves a blank white screen (like some wordpress plugins do when they error). Would this ever happen in Xenforo? Does anyone have any error screen they care to post so we know what to look out for and expect? With all the addons now, there are bound to be some borked ones with the 1.2 update.
If they screw up and you can't get into the admin CP to disable, you can disable code event listeners. Stick this in your library/config.php.

It's always good to have in there commented out anyway - just in case.

$config['enableListeners'] = false;
Here's my list:
  • More Options to Limit Signatures for new Members
  • Route Changer
  • Template Modification System
  • TinyMCE Fix
  • [bd] Tag Me
  • Xen Utilities
  • [bd] Watch Forum
Here's my list:
  • More Options to Limit Signatures for new Members
  • Route Changer
  • Template Modification System
  • TinyMCE Fix
  • [bd] Tag Me
  • Xen Utilities
  • [bd] Watch Forum
I'd argue that the Template Modification System is a maybe. The built-in version is mainly for add-on developers to modify every style, whereas I believe TMS allows style-specific modifications.

Both can still be used interchangeably and may be required in certain circumstances.
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