XF 2.2 Large downloads byte range


Well-known member
Good afternoon,
I've had this message from someone on my forum after trying to download a seqeunce (resource).
I was just wondering if anyone else has managed to do this?
Hi there.
I have been having troubles all night downloading sequences, I understand it's the busy season but I was writing to offer up, a hopefully unconsidered, tip.
If you can patch your PHP to support byte ranges I can resume my downloads instead of restarting 284 meg downloads over and over again after 30 odd megs.
It'll mean less hammering for you guys (chrome has been trying to resume and restarting all on it's own, I was wondering why it was taking so long to download, I even tried using curl)

curl: (33) HTTP server doesn't seem to support byte ranges. Cannot resume.
XenForo doesn't support resumable downloads / byte-range requests - which isn't a significant issue as the vast majoriy of customers most likely only haave small attachments.
If you have large attachments (eg. several hundred MBs), the lacking support for resumable downloads might indeed be a problem.

AFAIK https://xenforo.com/community/resources/attachment-improvements-by-xon.6629/ by @Xon implements support for Accept-Ranges (primarily intended for Videos, but should work with any file).
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