XF 2.1 Is there a way to tell how many users are registered from Facebook?


Active member
I've set up my forum to allow registration with Facebook, Twitter and Google accounts but is there anywhere in the Admin area where I can view how many people are using this feature to register?

Or is it something I need an addon to view? If so, what addon would do the job?
Right now it looks like an add on (custom development). However, if it's not a duplicate, I would advise you to make a suggestion as I would like to search for members with connected accounts and to which service provider so I know where to put emphasis as they grow.

The only way I can tell if an account is connected or not is to go to each specific user in ACP>Users>List all users. You'll need to click on that user and go to the "Extra" tab to see if they're connected. This will show you the connected account and even let you visit their profile (FB).

But a quick search with results would be great!
Right now it looks like an add on (custom development). However, if it's not a duplicate, I would advise you to make a suggestion as I would like to search for members with connected accounts and to which service provider so I know where to put emphasis as they grow.

The only way I can tell if an account is connected or not is to go to each specific user in ACP>Users>List all users. You'll need to click on that user and go to the "Extra" tab to see if they're connected. This will show you the connected account and even let you visit their profile (FB).

But a quick search with results would be great!
How do I make a suggestion? How on earth is this not a) built in to XF2 or b) an addon already?
How do I make a suggestion?
How on earth is this not a) built in to XF2 or b) an addon already?
If they built everything in from the forum above, it would be pretty bloated software. But, I do find value in searching if an account is connected so that it can let us focus energy on specific platforms to gain more members instead of wasting time on others.
One easy way is:

You can create a new 'User group promotion' for 'Connected accounts' matching 'Facebook' - and have the user added to a new secondary usergroup called 'Facebook' or something similar.

Then you can search users in the Facebook usergroup (assuming you just want to see that data in the admin area).
One easy way is:

You can create a new 'User group promotion' for 'Connected accounts' matching 'Facebook' - and have the user added to a new secondary usergroup called 'Facebook' or something similar.

Then you can search users in the Facebook usergroup (assuming you just want to see that data in the admin area).
Ah, I didn't know that was an option! Excellent, I'll give that a try later and let you know how I got on. (y)
One easy way is:

You can create a new 'User group promotion' for 'Connected accounts' matching 'Facebook' - and have the user added to a new secondary usergroup called 'Facebook' or something similar.

Then you can search users in the Facebook usergroup (assuming you just want to see that data in the admin area).
@DominicE Well I have to say that worked a charm! I had to rebuild the user cache to get the search results to show up but I discovered that a more than a THIRD of my registered users come via FB, Twitter or Google login.

So thanks for that, I've always wanted to know that stat, in fact when I finally upgraded to XF2 last week I was even in two minds about reinstaing the connected accounts feature because I was struggling to configure them properly but I now know it's very much worth having it set up on the forum.

Problem is I can't tell if I've got them set up correctly, I run the test and it says they're connecting fine but I had a user trying to login with Facebook yesterday and he said he was having some trouble with it.

If anybody would be kind enough to login to my forum with either FB, Twitter or Google (ideally all three) and let me know your experiences I would very greatly appreciate it. https://cardiffcityforum.com
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