If you set up a feed, import it, then delete the posts, can you import them again?


Well-known member
I've been editing the structure of the feed posts and have deleted all the original test imports.

I've tried to manually re-import them again by clicking 'import now' by each one, but none are appearing.

Is that to try and prevent duplication? How can I import them again?
Just done that, managed to reimport all of them, but now one of the feeds doesn't work.

The feed loads just fine in a browser, but when trying to preview it in the XF feeder system I get this:

The following error occurred:
There was a problem requesting the feed.

Error message: DOMDocument::loadXML(): Empty string supplied as input
Unfortunately, I'm actually able to preview that locally. I can only guess that perhaps they're doing something specific based on your server making the request? (It could be based on the IP address.)
Oh, that's interesting. Perhaps because I had it polling at every 10 minutes?

I'll drop the site owner a line to see if they or their host have any feedback.

If that is the issue, it slightly concerns me that other sites may block me for frequent polling. Is that a thing? I wouldn't have thought checking every 10 minutes would be an issue. I'd rather have the new content from certain sites posted ASAP in the news feed as a new thread.
I'd hope that if they have a feed, they understand the purpose of it and wouldn't block you for accessing it, but you never know what someone might consider as inappropriate.
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