htaccess rewrite for custom page in root?


Active member
I have a custom page in my root and I'd like to give it a clean url. But is that possible with Xenforo?

For example, I have and I'd like it to be but since I have friendly URLs already with Xenforo, it seems Xenforo won't allow that, I just get an error page.

Is it possible?
It's probably because htaccess rules check if a file or directory exists before routing requests to index.php.

Since you are requesting /mypage/ which is a directory and does not exist, the request goes through XenForo and it shows an error because the page does not exist.

You can either:
1. Add this before all other Xenforo rules: RewriteRule ^mypage/$ /mypage.php [L,NC]
2. Create /mypage/ directory and move mypage.php in there as an index.php.
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