How do I exclude certain forums from the rss feed?


How do I exclude certain forums from rss feeds?

I want some forums not to appear in the rss feed
to export them to Twitter via iftt

plz help
Here is a cunning plan that might just work:

  • Create a search forum with criteria that excludes those forums you don't want
  • Use that forum url as your RSS feed
Can you explain more to me bro
I didn't understand what to do
Go to your admin panel and click on Nodes
Then click Create Node
Type = Search forum

Screenshot 2023-03-29 at 18.36.15.png

You will have the option then to exclude specific forms:

Screenshot 2023-03-29 at 18.37.48.png

Once you have created that forum you can go to it in the forum list and you will see just the threads from all other forums you didn't exclude.

You can use the URL of that forum as your RSS feed and the feed will show the latest x threads from that search forum (which excludes the forums you don't want)

You don't need to actually have it in the node list, you can untick that in the Node settings once you have the URL copied via the browsers field .

Also you can create a custom URL if you like:

Screenshot 2023-03-29 at 18.42.12.png
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NB: this works for an RSS feed into my Wordpress site, I can't verify how it is with iftt in Twitter as I don't know what that is. All I know is it seems to work as normal RSS feed.
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