🔥 [Foro.agency] Slack notification on addon changes (install/upgrade/disable/uninstall) [Deleted]


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allewreK submitted a new resource:

[Foro.agency] Slack notification on addons changes (install/upgrades/disable/uninstall) - Communication is key : let your staff the addon changes you made

This addon send a Slack notification in the channel you want, when you make changes to addons on your board.



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If you want, I can modify the addon so that it posts news threads in Slack.

Atm, I use it so my dev team can see the changes I made on my addons !
that'd make more sense for forum owners like me. Updating about addons is not required for most forums.

I commit to buy one copy if you can make it for forum posts and threads/RM items (y)
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