CTA Featured Threads & Portal

CTA Featured Threads & Portal [Paid] 2.17.0

No permission to buy (£40.00)
Brogan updated Featured Threads with a new update entry:

Improvements and additions

This is a small update but it does address a few issues and improve things.

I would rather push this out now so everyone can benefit from them as the other items on the To Do list are potentially difficult and time consuming.

  • Thread prefixes are now included in the title text when featuring
  • The overlays now use the elastic class so it adjusts to fit the content
  • The Overlay Content Height Style Property has been replaced with a new Overlay Content Rows Style Property
  • All BB...

Read the rest of this update entry...
Yes, I'm just building a contact list so I can email it to everyone who has already purchased.
The title can be edited when saving to remove the prefix text.

The height can be fixed at 300px by setting the rows to 20.
Just upgraded to 1.1.0 which went flawlessly. Great updated, excellent add-on and thanks again brogan. :thumbsup:
Would it be possible to have a [prebreak] tag like xenporta does where only stuff before the tag is displayed?

We basically have a weekly thread that contains an image at the top and then lots of text. I'd like to just display the image and then have "read more" for the rest of the post/thread. Is that possible?
I don't understand what the prebreak tag does, I don't use that add-on.

Besides which, images are not displayed in the output - all HTML and BB Code is stripped other than the URL tag.

The message content can be edited when featuring, so you can have whatever (plain) text and links you want.
I don't understand what the prebreak tag does, I don't use that add-on.

Besides which, images are not displayed in the output - all HTML and BB Code is stripped other than the URL tag.

It sets a position where everything before it is displayed (giving more control than just saying the first 100 characters or whatever).

If images are stripped then this isn't quite what we're looking for but thanks for the reply :-)
Is there a way, or could there be a way, to prevent users from featuring their own threads? Same idea as preventing users from rating their own threads.
Would it be possible to have an option in a future release so a user whose thread is featured gets a conversation or notification?
Another request: For users with no avatars, could you have a setting to exclude the big ugly gray question mark box that appears in place of the avatar? I'm finding that I don't want to feature threads by users with no avatars for this very reason--that the empty box will look stupid up there.
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