Fatal error: Class '' not found in *snip*library/XenForo/Model/Node.php


Active member
Hi folks,

After just about managing to figure out how to fix the last problem - I seem to be encountering another.

The import has apparently worked as it should. The initial went without a hitch, too, by the way. However, when now attempting to access the root index.php of my XenForo installation, I am greeted with this error message:

Fatal error: Class '' not found in /home/ultimas/public_html/forums/library/XenForo/Model/Node.php on line 499

I performed a search here and it seems I'm the only one encountering this problem. I'm re-re-uploading my XenForo files again just in case there was a problem the first two times *fingers crossed*, but after that, I'll be stumped. Any ideas, folks? All help would be most appreciated. Cheers!
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